Another problem that occurs due to the cold and dry winter weather:
Hair woes. Dry hair, thinning hair and lack of shine.

The cold weather not only affects your waistline, heart health,
sleep, but it especially affects your hair and if you find that your locks
(hair) are affected by the 3 to 4 months of cold weather, then you should drink
the popular beverages that could bring about a change.

These 3 beverages are drunk year-round, but are consumed more in the winter.

The 3 beverages:
Green Tea
Hot Cocoa
Not sure how they reverse winter hair woes?
Read on, to get more info.

a) Hot Cocoa-
You can drink more top quality hot cocoa, but this Rx calls for you to wear it.
Yes, wear it, as in a mask.
Cocoa powder’s fatty acids lock moisture into hair, strengthening it at the
roots to prevent breakage and shedding.
To make a mask-
Mix 1 Tbs. each of unsweetened cocoa powder and warm water, rub on scalp
and comb through your hair. Leave the mask on for 20 to 30 mins. and then
wash out.
Important tip:
You may want to sit on the edge of the tub while applying the mask
or place a shower cap on your head to prevent a chocolaty mess.

b) Green Tea-
Want hair to grow longer? Drink more green tea. The antioxidants in the tea
prolong hair’s growth phase. Plus, the tea contains epigallocatechin gallate,
(EGCG), a compound that decreases the output of the hair-loss hormone-DHT.
Your Rx For the Winter:
Drink 2 to 3 mugs of green tea a day, to get some real benefits.

c) Coffee-
Ah yes, millions of people appreciate a good cup of coffee in the winter,
and if you’re hair is drying out and thinning, then you have to add it to your
daily routine. But to make the coffee more effective, you have to wear it.
Yes, it’s another caffeine-infused hair mask.
To do:
Step into the shower or tilt your head over the sink.
Pour 1 cup of cooled coffee all over damp hair. Rub on your
scalp for a min. or two, let it alone for 5 mins. then rinse out
with warm water. Do this 2 to 3 times a week to see results.

There you have it, the 3 winter beverage secrets to keep hair
in tip-top shape.
One more tip: You may be used to having your favorite beverage with
a sweet treat, but to get these natural Rxs to work, you may have to eliminate
or eat every once in a while that danish, donut, cookies, brownies or other
sweets. Sugar not only adds weight to your body, it (sugar) can also
do major damage to arteries and blood vessels, especially those that nourish
the scalp.

* HairCare & HairStyles Magazine
* Allure Magazine, The Hair Edition

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