If you’re a fan of “best lists” or “top ten lists” then this is the post for you.
In addition to resolutions, many Americans like to start the new year with
a list and according to dieticians and alternative healers, the best superfood
for 2024 is a pulse and before telling you what that is, here’s a definition of
a “superfood.”

Certain foods and (beverages) that are exceptionally high in vital nutrients
and come with important functional health benefits. And some of the superfoods
of the past few years: Kale, Acai berries, Kale, Walnuts and Quinoa.

And according to dieticians and alternative healers, Pulses are the top “superfood” for
And what is a pulse, you ask?
It’s the more precise term for several foods commonly referred to as legumes.

The pulse group includes foods you already know and love, foods like…
Dry Peas

These foods are complex carbs that are excellent sources of gut healthy fiber
and slow-burning energy as well as plant protein, iron, magnesium, folate
and potassium. Plus, they’re so nutrient-rich, they’re listed as both a protein
and a vegetable. And lastly, they’re good sources of soluble fiber, which manages
blood cholesterol and keeps inflammation at bay.

So, if you’re wondering what the top superfood will be for the year 2024,
now you know. And if you want to read about the other 2 “superfoods”
for the new year, (hint: mushrooms and salmon) and the rest of the list,
just go online and type the top 3 superfoods of 2024 in the search bar.
Or go to the website- Realsimple.com and once you’re there,just type in
the top 3 superfoods of 2024.

One last tip:
For more info on the benefits of Salmon, read our last post (the post before
this one). The post: The 5 Best Food Fish Picks for Lent!

That’s it for today, so go ahead and make and enjoy some lentil soup,
hummus (made from chickpeas) or red or black beans over rice or quinoa.

* RealSimple.com
* Tracy Gensler, M.S.R.D.
* Journal of Alternative Medicine

Please make sure to pass this article on to family and friends
who love beans, legumes and pulses. Share it over at Facebook,
Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, Instagram (stories), Tik-Tok and X
(formerly known as Twitter).
