Chicken soup has been recommended to help you get rid of colds for decades,
in fact, some even call it “Jewish Penicillin” because so many Jewish moms
and grandmas have used it to help family members get over colds and flu,
but hold on, in addition to helping you get rid of that cold, a bowl of
chicken soup can also boost energy levels and alleviate pain.

Not convinced?
That’s okay, just read on for more details and the recipes.

Recipe No. 1-
Fire up your engines.
If the hustle and bustle of the holidays has you feeling worn out and fatigued,
make the following chicken soup recipe.
Recipe for Hearty Chicken Vegetable Soup!
1 Tbs. of olive oil
1 turnip, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
1/2 cup of chopped fennel
6 cups of chicken broth
2 cups of shredded cooked chicken (a mix of white and dark meat)
To make:
In a pot, heat the oil over medium heat; add the veggies, cook and stir
to avoid burning. Soften up the veggies, about 4 to 5 mins.
Add the broth and simmer until flavors mesh, about 10 to 15 mins.
Season with a little salt, pepper and turmeric and a sprig of parsley or thyme.
Serves 4.

The star of this dish is the turnip. They’re loaded with something called indoles,
compounds that energize your cells. Try and get turnips into your system
about 3 times a week. And if you tire of turnips, broccoli, kale, garlic and onions
also contain the same energizing compounds.
Another tip: Take a break from potatoes, and use turnips in their place.
Soak a turnip in cold water for 15 mins. dry it, and cut into thin strips to make
oven-baked French fries. It’s a lower calorie and low carb substitute.
More tips to rev up your Winter energy levels.
* Exercise-
For a quick min. or two. Sweep the kitchen during a commercial break,
or ride your new exercise bike (Peleton) for a few mins. It’s called “micro-
bursts” of movement and it can boost energy levels by 70%.
* Watch Your Favorite Movie-
Whether it’s “Home Alone” or The New “West-Side Story” watching a feel-good
movie sends levels of the feel-good hormone (oxytocin) soaring by 45% in
about an hour.
* Ask Your Doctor-
About taking two nutrients to help boost energy levels, the nutrients:
CoQ10 and PQQ. PQQ enables the body to make new energy cells and
CoQ10 helps those energy cells work better.
Product to try: Life Extension Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 with PQQ, look for
online at Check with your doctor before trying any type of

Recipe No. 2-
Feeling a little achy after the all of the sitting, rich food and being cooped up indoors?
Try this second chicken soup recipe.
Recipe For Avocado Chicken Soup!
It may not seem that appetizing, but avocados can help ease aches and pains.
1 jar of salsa (16 oz.)
1 qt. of chicken broth
1 can of beans, Rinsed and drained (black, kidney or navy)
2 cups of cooked chicken breast
avocado slices
fresh cilantro or parsley (optional)
Crushed tortilla chips (optional)
To make:
In a large pot, combine salsa, chicken broth and beans, simmer over medium heat.
Cook for 5 to 8 mins.
Reduce the heat to low, and toss in the chicken, cook about 5 mins. more.
Pour the soup into bowls, and add avocado slices, a sprig of cilantro (or parsley)
and some crushed tortilla chips.
Avocados can alleviate blue moods, sore muscles and joint pain by about 55%.
Avocados contain 2 plant compounds (oleic acid and pantothenic acid) that help
boost the brain’s production of feel-good serotonin.
More tips to ease sore and achy muscles and joints.
* Move More-
Just as we mentioned in the first recipe, moving while sore is also recommended.
We’re not talking hours in the gym or running for 5 miles, but a nice leisurely
walk or stretching for 10 to 15 mins. will do wonders for those aches and pains.
* Call Someone-
You may feel like spending time alone, but reaching out to a friend or coworker
will do wonders for those aches and pains. Talking to someone close to
you produces a massive serotonin surge that squashes pain more effectively than
a medicine prescribed by your doctor.
Another tip: Try and keep the conversation positive. No talk about a cheating neighbor
or friend or a coworker you don’t get along with.
* Herbal Relief-
Ask your doctor if you can try something called “Holy basil.” Not the basil you add to Italian
dishes, but an herb that can tamp down joint pain by 70%.
Another benefit- It helps shut down anxiety as effectively as doctor-prescribed meds, (Valium).

Recipe No. 3-
Natural relief from a cold. Used for decades by grandmas of all races, the following
chicken soup recipe eases congestion and aches.
Recipe for Chicken Noodle Soup!
1 Tbs. of olive oil
1 carrot, sliced and diced
Sliced mushrooms, about 3 to 4 oz. (white button or cremini)
1 clove of garlic, minced
4 cups of chicken stock
2 cups of shredded chicken, cooked, a mix of dark and white meat
1/2 bag or box of noodles
To make:
Heat the oil in a pot, over medium heat, add the vegetables, cook for 5 mins.
or until softened, add the garlic, cook until lightly browned.
Increase the heat, and add the chicken broth and chicken. Toss in the noodles,
and simmer about 6 to 8 mins. Season with a pinch of salt, pepper, and turmeric.
Chicken soup is rich in zinc, an immunity booster and the veggies, (garlic
and mushrooms) contain dozens of anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Another plus, have some soup an hour before and you’ll fall asleep faster and
sleep more deeply.
2 More Tips-
* Another tip recommending exercise. Researchers say if your nose is running,
that’s a good thing, and a brisk 10-minute walk outdoors opens and drains your
sinuses more quickly and effectively than Sudafed. Another benefit: Daily walks
will cut the length of time you’re sick by 55%.The combination of cold air
and exercise prompts the release of adrenaline, a hormone that reduces sinus
inflammation and swelling, plus increases the production of immune cells.
* Stop The Hacks-
If non-stop coughing has you seeing red, try the sweet treat.
The treat: Chocolate. Dark chocolate quiets the coughing by about 30%.
Take about an ounce of dark chocolate when the coughing becomes
uncontrollable. Cocoa’s healing compounds reduce throat inflammation and
calm the irritated throat nerves that trigger the coughing.
Also helpful: Boil some water, add a few pieces of fresh ginger, simmer for
5 mins. remove from the heat, strain into a mug, add some honey and a piece
of quality dark chocolate, (allow it to melt) and sip slowly.

That’s it, 3 chicken recipes to help what ails you.

* Joseph C Maroon, Neurologist
* Canadian Research Team
* Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
* Marc Cohen, Ph.D
* Norman E. Rosenthal (Avocado expert)

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A donation of $1, $2 or $5 will be greatly appreciated.
We’ll use the funds to continue looking for more food alternatives to “Big Pharma.”