Move over apples it looks like you’re about to replaced.
Replaced by who, by what?
The lowly banana.

That’s right, according to recent research, sixty-five percent of people polled
said that they buy bananas, and it’s just a percentage point higher than those
who buy apples.

Why the sudden increase in popularity?
Well, it could be the taste, (in a smoothie or atop a bowl of Raisin bran)
or the versatility, ( baked into a sweet treat or stir-fried) or it could be-they’re
just good for you.

So, if you’re one of those who’ve been avoiding them or buying them
and letting them rot, it’s time to put them back on the grocery list and
get the following benefits,

a) Weight Loss-
A medium banana has about 85 calories, so one or two a day may be the
perfect snack especially if you’re struggling with a sweet tooth.
Bananas are loaded with fiber and protein and will keep you fuller longer.
Important tip: the longer a banana ripens, (turns brown) the more sugar
it contains, so eat them before the brown spots appear.
b) Skin Health-
Concerned about thinning skin, wrinkles and dry skin and acne (zits)?
Eat a banana a day to help alleviate these woes. Bananas contain
manganese, which is a nutrient that boosts collagen levels.
Or better yet, in addition to eating them, you can also wear them,
as in a facial mask. Mash up 1 ripe banana, 1/4 cup of plain yogurt
and a tsp. of honey. Mix well, apply to your face, sit or lie back for
20 mins. then rinse off with lukewarm water. Save the rest of this facial
in the refrigerator and use it within a week.
c) Lower Blood Pressure-
A woman was told she had high blood pressure and her doctor recommended
medication. At age 45, she felt she was too young and read about some alternatives,
she read that 2 bananas a day may help and decided that’s the treatment for her.
Long story short, she had her 2 bananas a day, along with some other changes,
(no fried foods and no more soft drinks) and in three months, her blood pressure
dropped considerably.
Bananas are one of the top foods that contain ample amounts of potassium and
it (potassium) washes sodium out of your body.
d) Heart Health-
Want to keep your heart in tip top shape as you approach your golden years?
Eat a banana or two each day and you’ll get that strong heart.
Again, it’s the potassium, which has a direct impact on blood pressure and
other components of heart health.
e) Avoid Vision Loss-
You may find a past post (or two) on preventing vision loss, and although we
mentioned some fruits and vegetables, we didn’t mention bananas.
Bananas contain vitamin A, which work in a number of ways to protect
your vision, your normal vision and night vision.
f) Natural Energy Boosters-
Avoid (at all costs) energy drinks and pick up a banana or two.
Eaten before or even after a workout, bananas can be instrumental
in boosting energy levels and keep you from feeling worn out throughout
the day. Thanks to the fiber, natural sugars and vitamins, bananas are
safer and much more effective than sports and energy drinks for those
who need a boost in energy.
g) Gut Health-
Ah, a subject that’s been in the news for the past decade, gut health,
and if you’re concerned about your own gut health and want something
natural and inexpensive to help improve it, look no further than the banana.
Bananas contain resistant starch, which works to increase the production
of short-chain fatty acids-vital for gut health. Bananas stabilize the gut and
provide nutrients for your microbiome.
Important tip: Researchers say underripe bananas are best for gut health.
So, if you want to improve your own gut health, buy bananas totally green,
then allow them to ripen a bit, some green and yellow, and add them to
smoothies, bowls of millet or stir-fry them with a bit of olive or coconut oil.

* Nutrition Bulletin
* Healthline
* PLOS One

One last tip:
You may want to go back and reread one of our earlier posts, the title:
The Benefits of Peels. Read how to use a banana peel to help you end insomnia
(a natural sleep aid) and alleviate depression.

And make sure to visit our new store, to access the store, just click buy
recipes at the top of this blog.