Coffee seems to grab all of the attention, but what about tea?
There may be even more tea drinkers out there than coffee drinkers and
if you consider yourself a tea drinker or tea lover, then this is the post
for you.

Tea can warm you up, calm you down and benefit your health in
a number of ways and if you’re wondering what is the “World’s
Healthiest” tea, here are the answers.

a) For Weight Loss-
If you have to shed a few pounds, head to Taiwan and pick up some
Oolong tea.
Commonly served in Chinese restaurants, this tea has such slimming benefits,
one cup of it burns about 70 calories. Oolong tea contains polyphenols, which
activate metabolism-boosting enzymes, ups the absorption of nutrients,
balance blood sugar and helps block accumulation of fat.
To make: Steep 1 bag of oolong tea in a cup of hot (not boiling) water for
5 minutes until it resembles a golden color and is naturally sweet.

b) More Energy and Better Moods-
Head to Morocco and have some mint green tea.
Green tea contains a number of benefits, but combine it with mint
and it helps flush out fats, fluids and toxins that can make you tired and irritable.
Mint and its compelling aroma boosts energy levels, while green tea’s EGCG
cuts the stress hormone (cortisol) by 50%.
To make: Look for mint green tea at any supermarket, try the brand Bigelow
Green Tea with Mint. And prepare it according to the directions on the back.

c) A Stronger Heart-
If you’re concerned about heart disease or there’s a history of heart disease in
your family, do like the people of England and drink Earl Grey Tea.
The popular British brew guards against heart disease in two ways:
The black tea contains antioxidants that lower the risk of clogged arteries
and it’s key flavor, Bergamot, a citrus fruit, acts like a statin, as it can reduce
the “bad” cholesterol and raise the “good” cholesterol.
To make: Steep 1 tsp. of loose tea or 1 tea bag in boiling water for 5 mins.,
making sure not to over-steep, to avoid the bitterness. Flavor it with lemon and/or
sugar, rather than milk, which isn’t good for a citrusy tea.
Look for Earl Grey at any grocery or health-food store. Or go online to
or tea sellers.

d) Turn Back The Clock-
To look and feel younger, do like actress Charlize Theron and drink the tea from
her home country of South Africa, the tea: Rooibos. (pronounced Roy-boss)
Also known as red bush tea, native only to Africa, it is brimming with a skin-preserving
compound that protects cells from the Sun’s harmful rays. Drinking just one cup
a day is shown to fight fine lines and wrinkles as effectively as pricey anti-aging
skin serums. Hold on, there’s more, this tea has more antioxidants than green or white
tea, antioxidants that lower the risk of certain cancers and stave off the degenerative
disease known as Alzheimer’s.
To make:
Look for Rooibos at any supermarket or Whole Foods and steep 1 1/2 tsp. in a small pot
of boiling water for 5 mins. and then drink it plain or add a little dark honey or stevia.
Also helpful: Look for our past post on The Supermarket Superfoods That Work Like
Natural Sunscreen, or go to kindle store and download it there.

e) Get More Calm-
To get centered and calm, do like a lot of the people in China and drink Jasmine tea.
Alone, inhaling the delicate jasmine-scented green, white or black tea is relaxing;
coupled with a volatile oil (linalool) in the flower, it increases your levels of the
soothing amino acid GABA, relaxing muscles and soothing frazzled nerves in
a matter of minutes.
To make: Steep a Jasmine tea bag in a small pot of boiling water for a few minutes
and serve it without any type of sweetener or milk. It (the tea) is naturally sweet on its
own. Serve it savory or spicy foods. Look for the tea at any supermarket, Whole Foods,
health food store or an online tea seller (

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* British Researchers
* USDA Research Scientists
* Premier Online Tea Company