People in countries like India, Sri Lanka, Finland,
China and Greece have used “natural medicine”
for thousands of years.

And those of us who live in the U.S. are centuries behind
the men and women in other countries, but not anymore,
thanks to a recent report that reveals some of the best
natural remedies to relieve insomnia, prevent diabetes,
protect the heart, and keep memory sharp.

And when making out this week’s grocery list,
make sure to include the following natural remedies (foods)
from your brothers and sisters from around the world.

a) Finland-
A few years back, the people of Finland were called the
“most depressed” people in the world, but that was then,
today- they’re upbeat and happy, and coffee deserves a lot
of the credit.
Yes, folks in Finland are the biggest consumers of coffee,
drinking 4 to 5 cups a day. Researchers say that 2 or more cups
of caffeinated coffee per day, cuts your risk of getting blue moods
and even full-blown depression by a whopping 45%.
The same researchers also say that in addition to boosting energy levels,
the caffeine in coffee revs the production of the brain’s own
natural anti-depressants, including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline.
Important tip:
If you already drink coffee or plan on drinking more, just be sure to
drink it with a little milk or cream and avoid adding tsps. of sugar
to it or having a sweet treat (pastry, muffin, cupcake, brownie or donut)
while drinking it. Too many sweets will not only expand your waistline,
but they’ll increase your odds of feeling sad or blue. Have a sweet treat,
with your coffee occasionally.

b) China-
China like India, can be considered the “Originator” of alternative medicine
and if you’re concerned about keeping your heart healthy and preventing
blue moods, then you must start consuming more of this spice and fruit.
First, the fruit: Tomatoes (yes, they’re considered fruit) and if you’re
perpetually sad or down, then consume more of this fruit.
People who consume 3 to 6 tomatoes weekly are 45% less likely to
be sad or depressed. Give credit to the fruit’s pigment, (lycopene)
which shields the brain from damage linked to down moods.
And secondly, the spice: Ginger.
If you’re a fan of Chinese cooking, then you’re well aware of the ginger
that’s used in most dishes, and if you want to prevent heart disease,
just make sure to add more ginger to baked goods, stir-fries, soups,
stews or to make tea. Ginger contains unique plant compounds
that help force blood fats out of your body before they build
up in your arteries.
Important tip: If you take blood thinners or on diabetes medication,
ask your doctor if ginger is okay for you to eat (or drink).

c) India-
Keep your brain in tiptop shape well into old age like the Indians
and Egyptians, by adding black caraway seeds to salads, stews,
baked breads, and vegetable dishes.
And if you’re having trouble recalling dates or retaining information,
the natural remedy is to eat black caraway seeds (or black cumin).
The seeds are loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds and
antioxidants that nourish brain cells.
Look for these brain builders at specialty stores or online at

d) Greece-
Greeks are known for eating fish, olive oil,
full-fat yogurt and drinking sage tea.
That’s right, when one thinks of tea drinkers, England usually comes
to mind, but if you’re in Greece, you may be offered sage tea, and
if you’re worried about a mental decline, this is the tea that’ll
turn things around.
The herb sage- triggers an improvement in recall, attention and focus.
Sage has unique compounds that cut inflammation in and around the
delicate brain cells.

e) Sri Lanka-
A very mysterious country, and if you often wonder what
keeps Sri Lankans so slim and trim, look to the coconut.
It’s popular in a number of countries, but the people of
Sri Lanka eat a little over 100 coconuts each year.
Coconuts contain metabolism-revving medium-chain
fatty acids, that help you burn calories throughout the day.
So, are you ready to get slim and trim like the people
of Sri Lanka? Eat more coconut oil on stir-fried veggies,
add some to baked goods (instead of butter) or add
a Tbs. to a cup of coffee. (also known as “bullet-proof coffee”).
Also important: Try something out of the norm, and buy a fresh
coconut. Look for ways to cut it and use it on

f) Germany-
Is it the beer, the Schnitzel, the Bratwurst or Rouladen, that
allows the people of Germany to remain so hale and hearty?
It’s all of these foods and one special beverage.
The beverage: Chamomile tea.
The Germans use the tea for everything from insomnia,
indigestion to anxiety. And thanks to new research, it
(the tea) can also lower your odds of getting diabetes.
Chamomile tea increases insulin sensitivity and glucose
tolerance, plus triggers certain genes to cut inflammation-
keys to preventing diabetes.
Look for chamomile tea at any supermarket, health-food
store or online at or

g) Bulgaria-
You may remember years back, when a story emerged that many
Bulgarians were living well into their 80’s, 90’s and beyond
without any health problems, and what was their secret for
such longevity?
For centuries, Bulgarians have enjoyed incredible health,
thanks to yogurt. Yogurt contains a good mix of
minerals, vitamins, and “good” bacteria that helps
you stave off a myriad of debilitating health issues.
Important tip:
When choosing yogurt, make sure to choose one that’s
is loaded with “good” bacteria, and avoid the ones with fruit
added to them. Add a tsp. of honey and some fresh or frozen
berries, to plain yogurt, if you want something sweet.

h) Mexico-
This alternative food remedy is popular in most Latin-American
countries and it may explain why so many in these countries are
slim and trim. The food remedy: Hot Peppers.
People in Spanish countries are half as likely to be overweight
as Americans, and hot peppers can take a lot of the credit.
Hot peppers, chili powders or hot sauces lower ghrelin,
the hunger-triggering hormone. Plus, the heat from these foods
also boost metabolism.
Important tip:
Go slow, if adding cayenne powder to chili or a veggie dish, too
much can cause no-stop coughing and some other health issues.
* Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* European Researchers
* The Journal Psychopharmacology