If you’re in the process of planting your garden, you may want to start with a
few herbs on your windowsills.
Why the windowsills?
Well, if you don’t have a large plot of land in the back or if you’re hampered
by age or physical problems, then a few potted plants on the windowsill makes
perfect sense.

And if you do decide on a windowsill garden, make sure you include these three
The Herbs:
A Fragrant Mix of Herbs.
Why these three specifically? Continue reading.

1) Basil-
Do you suffer from brain fog and aches and pains? Start eating more fresh basil.
Basil thrives in a pot on the windowsill. Basil contains eugenol, a unique compound
in the herb that inhibits an inflammatory enzyme the same way ibuprofen does to
reduce swelling and pain. Another benefit: Just inhaling basil while working in the
kitchen improves focus by up to 50% in about 5 minutes.
To use:
Cut off a few leaves and sprinkle on a spaghetti sauce, pizza or veggie stir-fries.
Or place a few leaves in a mug, pour hot water on it, leave alone for 3 to 5 mins.
and then drink slowly. You just made a cup of Basil tea.

2) A Fragrant Mix-
Boost immune levels and moods with a combination of herbs.
Simply put: plant a number of herbs together in a larger pot. The herbs:
Rosemary, lavender, sage, lemon thyme and thyme.
Combined they’re an excellent source of immunity-boosting vitamins
and antioxidants. Plus, inhaling the scent of all of these herbs can
improve bad and sour moods within a matter of minutes.

3) Mint-
If you plan on taking a long car trip, a boat ride or going for a spin on
a rollercoaster and you’re concerned you may get nausea, (seasickness),
get relief in seconds with mint leaves. The herb is primarily used for digestive
support. Its menthol calms the digestive enzymes to break down food and
zaps stomach bugs in the digestive tract to calm nausea. Another plus,
inhaling some can help revive and energize you. Mint boosts blood flow to the
brain, ramping up alertness. Chew on a few leaves before embarking on
a long trip, or have some mint tea after your cruise ship reaches its

4) Help With The Garden-
If you don’t have a “green thumb” and need some help figuring out how to
get started planting a windowsill garden, you can look for a book called
First-Time Gardener: Container Food Gardening. Or just use your phone
or laptop and head to youtube.com and look for videos on how to grow
herbs on the windowsills.

* Pam Farley, Author of First-Time Gardener
* Journal of Food Science & Technology
* Farmer’s Market Magazine May 2022 edition

Please make sure to share this article and the valuable information
with family and friends who plan on growing a garden this year, (either
an outdoor or windowsill garden). Share this info over at Facebook, Instagram,
Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, Tik-Tok and Twitter.
