Peels To Your Health!

A quick question: Are you eating bananas, oranges, tangerines and kiwi?
If you answered yes, good for you and now, a second question:
Are you eating the peels?

Yes, you probably eat potato skins and apple peels, but are you aware that there are
tons of nutrients, vitamins, minerals an essential oils in orange, kiwi, and banana peels.

Well, don’t despair, read this post and find out your health will benefit after you
eat the peels of some of your favorite fruits.

a) Orange Peels-
Concerned about too high cholesterol and are unsure about taking a statin drug?
Well, add some of the peel of that orange you had for lunch and watch it (cholesterol)
drop in a matter of weeks. Orange peels are full of compounds that cut “bad”
cholesterol up to 45% in less than 6 weeks.
Another benefit: If you’re trying to quit smoking and are concerned about too
much nicotine in your system, eat some orange peel each day and clear it (the
nicotine) out.
Grate the peel into veggie stir-fries, marinades (for steak and chicken), salad
dressings and low-cal cake batters.
b) Grapefruit Peel-
Grapefruit has always been a top food choice for those hoping to shed a few pounds,
but today, researchers say you may lose even more weight by eating some of the
peel as well. Grapefruit peels contain naringenin, a special compound that ignites
the liver to burn excess fat rather than store it.
Important tip: Go easy on the grapefruit, add a small amount to a smoothie or
a cup of unsweetened juice. Too much of the peel may cause stomach discomfort.
Also important: You may want to avoid this tip if you’re taking blood pressure meds.
Grapefruit, the peels and blood pressure meds aren’t a good mix.
c) Tangerine Peel-
You’d think the peel of a tangerine is exactly the same as the orange peel,
but it’s not, tangerine peel can help those suffering from cancer.
Compounds in the peel, (salvestrol Q40), is so toxic to cancer cells, it
destroys them on contact, while avoiding damage to nearby healthy cells.
And some more fascinating news: doctors say the practice of throwing
away the peel in the last 30 yrs, may have caused cancer rates to increase.
Tangerine peels are popular in Asian cooking (Szechaun), they’re added to
certain dishes and even baked, (bake for 10 minutes) with a little honey
and then store them in an airtight container. If you suffer from allergies,
take a piece of the sweetened peel from the container and chew on it.
One last tip: Place a number of tangerine peels on a baking sheet, bake
at a low temperature, and take in the scents. Sit in the kitchen
and enjoy the citrusy scent. Do this if you need to calm down after some
bad news or a long-rough day at work, no eating (of the peel) is required.
d) Lemon Peel-
Another peel that fights cancer, more specifically- skin cancer. Lemon
peels contain d-limonene, a compound that blocks the growth of skin cancer
cells. One more benefit: lemon peels are also helpful for those suffering from
acne. Add grated lemon peels to stir-fries, baked goods, smoothies and
salad dressings.
Also helpful: Look for our recent post and go to our new store, (click buy recipes
at the top) to learn about more foods that’ll help you prevent skin cancer.
e) Kiwi-
Many people may get grossed out by the hairy peel that covers a kiwi, but if
indigestion is an issue, then you may want to start eating some of the peel.
Kiwi peels contain digestive-enhancing prebiotics. Plus, it has more fiber
and antioxidants than the insides (the green part). And it’s enzymes and
other compounds not only ease indigestion and improve absorption
of nutrients, they also reduce gas and bloating and calm constipation.
You can juice the peel along with other fruits, add it a bowl of plain yogurt
and fruit, add it to stir-fries or baked goods, or eat it just like an apple,
peel and all. Still not willing to eat the peel,
but still want help with the gas and bloating? Look for supplements
called Kiwi Klenz, online at
f) Banana Peels-
In some Asian countries, the peel has been a delicacy for centuries, and if
blue moods and insomnia are constants in your life, perhaps the peel
of a banana is all of the medicine you need. The peels are loaded with
tryptophan, which the brain uses to make serotonin, its own antidepressant.
Plus, the tryptophan is like a natural sleep aid.
Important tip- Unlike the already mentioned peels, the banana peel
must be boiled or baked for no less than 10 minutes, after that,
cut it finely and add it to smoothies, stir-fries, a bowl of fruit cocktail
or baked goods. Or use it to help you sleep. Add some boiled peel to
a cup of warm milk, tea or plain water, an hour before bed.
Another fun fact: Don’t have access to a water purifier? After boiling a banana
peel, add it to a bottle of water that may contain too many contaminates.
Think of it (the banana peel) as a water filter (or purifier).
And one last tip:
If organic fruit is too expensive, just make sure to fill a bowl with water,
add a tsp. of baking soda, or a tsp. of lemon juice or vinegar and place a few
peels in, let it alone for a few minutes and then rinse off and use accordingly.
The peels of oranges, tangerines and the other fruits may contain harmful pesticides,
and doing this will remove most of the pesticides.

* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* Maoshing Ni, Medicine Expert and Author
* UCLA Research Dept.
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