When it comes to seasoning your food, what spice or herb do you prefer?
If you said Garlic, congratulations, but it’s actually a vegetable.

And if you use garlic to dress up salads, or enhance the flavors of stews, soups
and sauces, continue to do so.
New research from Italy says that it (garlic) may ward off colorectal cancer.
People who enjoyed garlic a few times a week or even everyday lowered their
risk of developing the cancer by a whopping 70%.
Also important: Researchers say that people under age 40, are developing
colon cancer at an alarming rate.

Another plus, those who frequently added garlic to their meals also had a
reduced risk of developing polyps in the intestines, called adenomes,
which can develop into colorectal cancer.

Why is garlic so formidable against colon cancer?
Garlic contains healthy fiber, polyphenols and sulfur compounds, all of which
are known to feed beneficial bacteria in the gut and tamp down the number of
harmful microbes linked to bowel cancer.

So, if you’ve been reluctant to use garlic because of “garlic breath,” perhaps this
info (article) will help change your mind.

* Italian Research Team
* European Journal of Nutrition

Please make sure to pass this article on to friends and family, especially those
40 and under, (the fastest growing number of people developing colon cancer).
Share it over at Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram, (stories), Tik-Tok,
Reddit and Twitter.
