Gut health has been in the news for the past 10 years.
Medical professionals have finally figured out that maintaining a healthy
gut can do wonders for our health.

What kind of beneficial things, you ask?
Well, it (a healthy gut) can aid digestion, bolster your immune system,
and keep mental disorders at bay. (depression, sadness, brain fog, anxiety, etc.)
and luckily, getting a healthy gut doesn’t require lots of doctor-prescribed meds
or money, all that’s required is getting more of this vegetable.

The Vegetable:
Brussels sprouts.
Yes, we see a lot of faces that look like they stepped in something that stinks to
high heaven, but wait, hear us out and let us make the case for the vastly
underrated green veggie.

Fiber, fiber and more fiber.
Eating a significant amount of fiber each day can really improve one’s gut
health and this is where Brussels sprouts really excel.
The fiber in Brussels sprouts makes them a superfood for gut health.
Fiber helps improve gut health by promoting the growth and activity
of beneficial bacteria, regular bowel movements and maintaining a
healthy gut environment.

Plus, adding more of the tiny cabbages to your diet can also reduce
inflammation and lower your risk of certain cancers and other diseases.

So, if gut health is an issue for you or a family member, perhaps you
can get some relief by heading to your local supermarket and picking
up some fresh or frozen Brussels sprouts.

One more tip:
If you’re not sure how to cook them, head to
and type Brussels sprouts recipes in the search bar.
Just make sure to avoid the recipes that add loads of fat to the
Brussels sprouts, (bacon and bacon grease over the sprouts).
Or if you’re a fan of salad, shave some Brussels sprouts (raw) into
the salad.
And one last tip:
Make sure to eat raw Brussels sprouts only one or twice a week.
Eating raw cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli
and Brussels sprouts may affect the thyroid gland.

* Will Bulsiewicz, M.D. (aka Dr. B online) Gut Health Expert
* Most Underrated Vegetable For Gut Health

Please make sure to share this article with family and friends who
may have gut issues or just enjoy reading articles on using natural
medicine (food, exercise, sunlight, etc.) to live a few extra years.
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