Do you want to live 5, 10 or even 15 years longer?
How, you ask?
By treating your heart well and now that it’s winter time, it’s
vitally important to protect this very valuable organ.

Many out there already know about the importance of eating right (clean),
getting some type of exercise (light weight-lifting, yoga or walking
on a treadmill for 20 minutes each day) and reducing stress levels.

And for those out there who are doing all of the things listed above,
but enjoy a snack every now and then, you’re in luck.
Snacking on bags of doritos or sweet desserts (brownies and cookies)
is a no-no, but you can have a few nuts washed down with hot cocoa.

Yes, these two foods have been given the stamp of approval by some
medical professionals and here are the reasons, first up-nuts.
More specifically Pecans.
Enjoying a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pecans each day lowers cholesterol by 5%
within 8 weeks. That 5% may not seem like a lot, but that’s a reduction
that cuts heart disease risk by 30%. Credit goes to the fiber and fatty acids
in the nuts, which keep cholesterol from building up in the bloodstream.
Not a fan of pecans? Walnuts also offer some protection against heart
disease by 22%.

Next up, Hot cocoa.
Now that it’s colder a lot of people are drinking this incredible beverage
and if you’re drinking 2 to 3 cups a day, you’ll curb heart disease risk by
50%. Credit goes to flavanol compounds in chocolate, which protect
against elevation in blood pressure and artery-clogging fats. To maximize
the benefits, go for a top quality type of hot cocoa and avoid the $1.99
heavily processed brands. Look for “natural cocoa” and avoid the “Dutch

One more tip:
A plain cup of hot cocoa or a handful of nuts from the jar may get boring,
but you want to avoid adding sugar, full-fat milk and other sweeteners
to the snacks.
A small amount of raw honey, olive oil, spices (cayenne pepper, garlic powder)
added to the nuts and then baked is okay, but resist the urge to add nuts to
sweet baked goods and then wash it down with a cup of hot cocoa loaded with
sugar or stevia.

Non-food tip-
Another thing you can do for your heart that’ll help you live a little longer is
laugh more. People who enjoy telling jokes, listening to jokes or watching
their favorite sitcoms can reduce heart disease by 30%.
Laughter lowers heart-harming levels of stress while also delivering
exercise-like benefits that keep your heart in optimal shape.

* University of Georgia, Research Dept.
* Journal-Circulation
* Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
* Woman’s World Magazine-Jan. 15th Edition

Please pass this information on to family and friends who
want a healthier heart or just want to live a few extra years.
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Snapchat, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
