Live Longer and Stay Healthier!

Yes, you can age gracefully and stay healthy, happy and mentally sharp
well into your 60’s, 70’s and 80’s–with a few simple strategies- listed below.

a) Ask You Doctor-
About a multivitamin. No need to take dozens of vitamins, all you really need
is a good multivitamin. The balanced blend of nutrients in a multivitamin switches
on enzymes that repair and replace aging tissues, adding a good 8 to 10 years to your
life. Go online to for top quality vitamins and supplements.
Check with your doctor before adding any supplement to your daily regimen.
b) Go Pink-
As in eat pink colored-foods like shrimp, salmon and steel-head trout a few times
a week. Why? These colored foods contain astaxathin, a pinkish pigment
that keeps your blood vessels healthy and relaxed, helping you avoid high blood
pressure or clogged arteries in the future.
c) Eat Fat-
From avocados. If you want to look as good as you feel as you reach old age,
then you may want to start adding more avocados to your menus.
Eating 1/2 to a 1 avocado a day turns back the clock on skin health.
Avocados contain a compound that helps slow down the aging of your skin
and boost your energy levels by 30%.
d) Make It Spicy-
As in make your dishes with something other than salt and pepper.
Adding cayenne pepper, ginger and turmeric to soups, stews, or
stir-fries cuts your risk of serious illnesses and premature aging
by 20%. Spices and herbs contain active ingredients that reduce the
production of inflammatory compounds that age tissues, arteries, organs
and joints.
A Fun Fact: A woman started adding a number of spices and herbs to
a cup of hot water and drinks it like tea or coffee.
She started this about a decade ago and she claims that in that time,
she’s only had 2 colds, (minor colds that lasted about 3 days).
e) Switch Your Grains-
To whole wheat. Eating whole wheat tortillas, pastas and breads instead
of white pastas and breads, heightens blood sugar control and slows aging of
blood vessels and your organs, adding an extra 10 to 15 years to your life.
f) Eat Sweets-
As in sweet potatoes. Popular in the Southern states and African American
communities, these orange tubers are nature’s top source of beta-carotene,
a nutrient that cuts your risk of brain aging (and related maladies like stroke and
and memory loss) by 40%. Beta-Carotene nourishes and energizes brain nerves,
plus it prevents plaque buildup inside the delicate brain blood vessels.
g) A Recipe For Longevity-
Listed below is a recipe for sweet potato fries that also includes
avocados and spices, both of which also help slow down the aging process.
The Recipe: Sweet Potato Fries with Guacamole Dip!
4 medium sized sweet potatoes
1 Tbs. of oil
1/2 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. of chili powder
1 tsp. of turmeric
2 large avocados, pitted and peeled
2 scallions, thinly sliced
2 Tbs. of fresh lime juice
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
To make:
Preheat oven to 400*F. Coat 2 baking sheets with cooking spray.
Peel sweet potatoes; cut into long thin sticks (about 1/4″-thick)
In a large bowl, toss the potato sticks with the oil, 1/4 tsp. of salt,
chili powder and turmeric until coated. On a baking sheet, spread the
sweet potatoes in a single layer. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden
brown. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, mash the avocado, throw in the scallions,
lime juice, jalapeno pepper and 1/4 tsp. of salt. Serve the sweet potatoes with
the guacamole. Enough for 4 to 5 servings.

* The Journal of American Medical Association
* Washington University, St. Louis MO.
* British Medical Journal
* Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D. author of Ageless Woman
And lastly, if you want more tips on how to reverse the aging process and live
until you’re 90 or more, click on the buy recipes tab at the top of the page, (of this blog)
and once at our store, look for 4 recipes to help you live longer.