Are you tired by 1:00 pm, even though you slept for 7 or 8 hours?
Well, you may not be eating the energizing superfoods?
What are those foods, you ask?
They’re “clean” foods that are unprocessed and free of unhealthy
additives like chemicals, refined sweeteners and excessive sodium.
And the energizing superfoods listed below will provide your body with
many nutrients, especially the two that’ll help you overcome fatigue
easily and effortlessly.

The Energizing Superfoods:
* Oats-
High in magnesium, iron and other stamina boosters. Plus, oats have
special fiber found to reduce hunger by up to 50%.

* Quinoa-
It has more metabolism-boosting protein than any other grain.
Quinoa also has folate, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous to
boost energy levels.

* Blueberries-
The blue powerhouses are loaded with nutrients found to enhance
brain function and even blast belly fat.

* Salmon-
This fish has it all: magnesium, iron, protein, and B vitamins.
Plus, it’s omega-3 fatty acids are proven to help your body turn
belly fat into fuel.

* Turkey-
Loaded with magnesium, iron and protein, turkey also contains
energy boosting B vitamins and an amino acid called tyrosine-
which keeps you alert and focused.

* Almonds-
Another source of magnesium, iron, protein, fiber and good fat.
Eat a few each day to shut down hunger pangs and lose weight.

* Lentils-
Lentils are loaded with resistant starch, compounds that speed the
rate at which fat becomes energy by about 20%.

* Kale-
Low in calories, this dark leafy green delivers nutrients like magnesium,
fiber and iron. Another benefit: It has more calcium than milk.

* Liquid Refreshment-
Although not a food, you’re probably aware of the importance of
hydrating. And by hydrating we mean water and not gatorade,
red bull (or other energy drinks) or soda.

There you have it, 8 foods that’ll boost energy levels and help you slim
down and to help you on your journey towards revving up energy levels-
here’s a recipe using some of the foods listed above.

Recipe for Energy Fritters:
Combine 1 cup of quinoa (cooked) 1/2 can of salmon, 1/2 tsp. of
sea salt, 1/2 tsp. of black pepper, 1/2 tsp. of dill, 6 eggs and 1 cup
of fresh kale, (finely chopped) Form into 6 or 7 patties and cook on
top of the stove in a large skillet with 1 1/2 Tbs. of olive oil.
Once one side is golden, turn it over and cook for another 2 to 3 mins.
Transfer the fritters to a platter. 2 Fritters per person.
Serve this dish with a salad.

* Holly Phillips, M.D. and author of Exhaustion Breakthrough
* Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Television Host
* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* Cuisine at Home-Magazine
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