At one time it seemed that weight was only the thing people wanted to talk about,
when it came to appearance.
But today, it’s about 50/50 between looks and weight and if you’re in the “I care about
weight, but looking youthful is also important” camp, there’s some good news for
you, the good news:
Listed below are some incredibly simple things you can do (starting today) to slow
down the clock, (the aging clock).

a) Drink More-
No, not beer, wine or tequila. It’s water and you’re probably well aware of this advice,
but many people still need to hear it. And if you’re not a fan of a few glasses of water
each day, you can eat your water.
Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables. Not sure which fruits and vegetables are in this
category? Go to and type water-rich fruits and vegetables in the search
bar. After that, just head to your local grocery store and purchase the fruits and

b) Stop Eating This-
Stop or eat occasionally–processed food. Again, like the advice of drinking more
water, this piece of advice has been out there for about 2 decades, but far too many
aren’t listening. If this describes you, there are a number of websites that can help
you kick the habit. And lastly, if you must have brownies, spaghetti and meatballs
or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, just go to and type healthy recipes
for your (name your favorite food), copy the recipe and then go out and buy the ingredients.
Yes, it may require more time in the kitchen, but remember-you’ll be getting healthier and
younger looking.

c) Stop Eating Too-
Often. The age of Intermittent fasting is here, and for good reason, eating two or three
times a day and not 4, 5 or even 6 has been proven to help everything from sleep,
productivity and even aging. For more on eating less, go online for more info and help
go to and type eating less or intermittent fasting in the search bar and
really turn back the clock.

d) Eat More-
Fat. No, that’s not a misprint, but not the type of fat you’re thinking about.
The type of fat you should be eating, grass-fed butter, Extra-virgin olive and coconut
oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. In addition to helping fill out your face, more fat keeps
you satiated, meaning you’ll eat less throughout the day.

e) Start-
Drinking more water and eating some watermelon, cantaloupe and cucumbers
will do wonders for your skin from the inside out, but let’s not forget the outside.
To become even younger, apply a little moisturizer after showering or washing your
face. And something even better: No need to invest hundreds in creams and lotions,
just use a little olive or coconut oil or even some vaseline.

f) Get The Rest of The List-
Want 4 more tips that’ll help you look younger?
Go online to and type 9 Habits that make you look older than you are,
in the mensjournal search bar.

* Men’s Journal website

Please pass this article on to family and friends who want to look younger,
but aren’t sure how to go about it. Share this info over at Facebook, Snapchat,
Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, Tik-Tok and Twitter.