Depending on where you live, you’re probably able to get any kind of fruit and
vegetables year round. But wait, just as there are 4 seasons, there are fruit and
vegetables that are especially plentiful and tastier come fall and winter.

The distinction between winter and summer produce is that fruit and vegetables
grown in late summer and fall are harvested in cooler conditions, (especially
root vegetables) allowing them to remain fresh for an extended period
during the colder months.

Winter fruit and vegetables are a great way to add a variety of flavors to your
favorite dishes.
And one last benefit:
These fruits and vegetables come down in price, which means you’ll be able to
buy them in bulk and freeze and can them and enjoy them well into next summer
and fall.

Listed below, are the 6 best Winter fruits and vegetables.
6 Best Fruits:
a) Grapefruit
b) Kiwi
c) Dates
d) Persimmons
e) Pears
f) Pomegranates & fresh cranberries
6 Best Winter Vegetables:
f) Potatoes-Sweet Potatoes
g) Squash- Butternut, Acorn, Pumpkin and Spaghetti
h) Carrots
i) Beets
j) Turnips
k) Parsnips

That’s it, the 12 best fruits and vegetables for the upcoming
winter months. Not sure what to do with all of these fruits
and vegetables? No problem, just head on over to,
or or youtube. com and type tasty recipes
using butternut squash, persimmons, or parsnips or turnips
(try turnip fries) in the search bar and copy the recipes.

* Emma Pitts- Writer
* Michigan State University, Research Dept.

For more information on how these fruits and vegetables
can really bolster your health, go to Deseret and
type best Winter fruits and vegetables in the search bar.

And lastly, make sure to pass this valuable information on
to loved ones who enjoy all types of fruits and vegetables.
Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram (stories),
Pinterest, Reddit, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
