Are you interested in living till 100?
Think it’ll take incredible discipline, hours in the gym, a strict vegan diet
and loads of expensive vitamins and minerals?
Well, you’re wrong, according to researchers who’ve studied the “Blue Zones”
(places around the World where people make it to 100 easily), the things
you’ll need to do are incredibly simple and inexpensive.

The 10 Things:
a) Drink More-
Water. It’s not necessary to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day, but 5 or 6 glasses
of water is sufficient . Many people don’t realize that downing water isn’t really to quench
thirst, but to keep organs like the brain, heart and joints operating at optimal levels.
Another tip: Eat vegetables and fruits that contain lots of water, like cucumbers,
green squash, watermelon,, peaches, plums and tomatoes.

b) Follow The Japanese Rule-
In the U.S. it’s “you better clean your plate” and in Okinawa Japan, (where people
routinely make it to 100 years of age) it’s “please leave some food on your plate.”
The people in Okinawa practice something called “Hara Haci Bu” or stop eating
when you’re 80% full. In the U.S. moms, dads, grandmas and granddads are
concerned with waste, but in Japan, it’s an insult to eat everything on the plate.
Americans can adopt this practice by drinking a large glass of water 30 to 45 mins.
before eating, or they can use children-sized plates or eat an apple (green)
15 to 20 mins. before eating, all 3 tips will help you eat less at mealtime and fill
up faster.

c) Snack On-
Nuts! A lot of countries either snack on nuts or fruit, not potato chips, pop tarts
or Reese’s peanut butter cups and this is also why a lot of them (foreigners)
are reaching 100.
Nuts contain good fats and nutrients that benefit you from head to toe and they’re
especially good for your heart. Choose wisely, as in top quality nuts and make sure
to place a small amount in several tiny bags, to prevent overeating.

d) Beans, Beans and more Beans-
Go to a lot of European and South American countries and you’ll see that beans
are eaten most days of the week, why? They’re economical and they’re good for you.
Beans are filled with fiber, protein, vitamins and nutrients, all of which benefit your health
in a number of ways, heart health, steady blood sugar levels, normal blood pressure
and weight control.
Eat dried and canned beans and if you need recipes, go and type bean
recipes or go to and watch videos of people making different bean recipes.

e) Eat This Way-
You know about the “eating till 80% full, drinking more water and eating beans
and nuts, but you may also want to adopt the eating style that people who
live in the “blue zones” follow and that is “eat a more clean diet” which is a diet
of fruit, nuts and vegetables. Many people in other parts of the World are
far away from McDonalds, Burger Kings and Papa John’s pizza, so that means
they tend to eat cleaner and less processed food. They also eat a ton of vegetables
and very little meat and to become more like them, make a meal of rice, beans
and vegetables, starting with 1 day a week and then 2 and so on.

f) Exercise-
You know it (exercise) had to be on the list, but people in Chile or Tuscany Italy don’t spend
hours marathon running or in the gym, all they do to maintain weight, pleasant moods and
pain-free joints is tend to gardens and livestock and hours of walking each day.
Simply put, don’t put in hours of running or weightlifting, unless of course you want to, but
do some type of activity a few times a week, be it gentle yoga, walking around a park in
your neighborhood or deep cleaning your house or apartment once or twice a week.

g) Socialize-
Due to the pandemic socializing has become a big problem, but if you have access to a
computer (and Zoom) perhaps you can stay in touch with friends and relatives this way.
You may have heard that loneliness is now considered the new smoking, so try and avoid it.
Head to other countries and they make it a point to interact and socialize with friends and

h) Hobbies-
This can go under Socializing. Getting involved in crosswords, scrapbooking or searching
for ways to live longer is a great way to extend your life.
Engaging in something like vegetarian cooking or scrapbooking can keep you laser focused
on something other than your aches and pains or financial woes and spending an hour
or three each day is a great way to keep moods and blood pressure in check.
Another benefit- sharing your hobby with friends and/or family is also great for longevity.

i) Get Some Support-
Another tip on surrounding yourself with family and friends, just try and make sure
they’re upbeat and kind. Talking to a sister who’s always talking about her neighbor’s
weight or husband’s spending habits will not only bring you down, it’ll also start wearing
on your psyche. So, make sure you surround yourself with positive neighbors, family and

j) Go To The-
Liquor Cabinet. A drink a day, (a shot, a beer or a glass of wine) can benefit your
health in a number of ways, like better blood flow, heart health, thicker hair, stronger
bones and weight management.
Fun Fact: Women who have a glass of wine each day are thinner than women who abstain.
Remember it must be one and only one drink a day.

There you have it, 10 Incredibly Simple Tips To Help You Make It To 100.

b) Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones
and Blue Zone Kitchens
c) Longevity Magazine
Coming soon, a post on how actress Betty White almost made to 100, (short by 3 weeks)

Make sure you share this information with friends, family, neighbors and coworkers,
via Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, SnapChat and Twitter.
They too, may want to know all about reaching a ripe old age, without help from “Big-Pharma!”

And if you’re interested in Instant Pots, look for our new E-Doc and the foods you
can make in that Instant Pot to boost your health, the foods: eggs, caramelized
onions, bolognese, chicken breasts, steel-cut oatmeal, applesauce and beans.
To access this E-Doc, just click buy recipes on the top of this blog, scroll for it
and then purchase it.

And lastly, if you enjoyed this article or any of the 300 plus articles on
this blog, please show your appreciation and click the donation button and leave
a $1, $2 or $5. Any amount helps and will allow us to continue to research and then
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