The No-Willpower Diet Trick, That Doesn’t Require You To Diet!

If your weight loss isn’t happening as fast as you had hoped, perhaps it’s time to
increase the amount of fiber in your diet.

Why fiber?
It (fiber) does a number of things like-reduce your appetite and cravings, and
speeds up your metabolism and many of us are only getting about 10 grams
of it each day.

Doctors who specialize in weight loss say we need three times that amount
if we want to shed those unwanted pounds.
And if you’re not sure how fiber works to help you lose weight, here are
three explanations…
1) It’s a Hunger Fighter-
Fiber-rich foods require more chewing, and the extra chewing has been shown
to increase the release of a stop-eating hormone called CCK. And there’s more-
Once in your stomach, fiber strands absorb liquid and begin to swell, increasing
fullness for zero calories. Expanding fiber then traps food in your stomach,
creating a stick to your ribs sensation. And since fiber forces food to make
its way out of the stomach very slowly, blood sugar is released slowly-and those
sugar spikes that used to set off your intense hunger and cravings are gone.
Bonus: Steady blood sugar means you trigger fewer fat-storage hormones.

2) It’s a Prebiotic-
You may have heard about probiotics and prebiotics, and prebiotics
feeds the health-promoting bacteria in your digestive tract, which causes
them to multiply. And if you increase the fiber in your diet, you speed up
the growth of one very slimming strain of good bacteria, which leads to
automatic weight loss.

3) It’s a Sponge-
Fiber works like a sponge in the digestive tract, soaking up fat, excess
calories, even toxins-and then ushers them out of the body.
Get 30 grams of fiber daily and soak up about 130 calories you eat-
so they don’t count.

So, if your weight loss has stalled or isn’t really happening, just increase the
fiber in your diet and to help you get started on your path towards more fiber-
here’s a recipe to get you started.
The recipe is for a taco, more specifically a lentil taco and 1 cup of lentils
is about 16 grams, half the amount you should be eating each day.
The recipe: Lentil Tacos!
1 avocado- pitted and peeled
2 Tbs. of fresh lime juice
1 tsp. of green Tabasco sauce
1 tomato, seeded and diced
1 tsp.of cumin
1 can of lentils drained and rinsed
or buy them dry, and cook up 2 cups.
4 cups of lettuce, chopped
8 corn tortillas, warmed
1/4 cup of chopped red onion
Sprigs of cilantro and lime wedges for garnishment-optional
To make:
In a small bowl, mash avocado, 1 Tbs. of lime juice, Tabasco
sauce and 1/8 tsp. of salt; reserve. Coat nonstick skillet with
cooking spray. Add tomato; cook, stirring until softened, 3 mins.
Stir in the lentils, cumin and remaining lime juice. Cook until heated
through, 2 mins.
Divide lettuce among tortillas. Top with lentil mixture, avocado mixture
and onion. If desired, top with sour cream and chopped cilantro; serve
with lime wedges.

That’s it, and if you tire of lentils and want some other foods that contain
plenty of fiber, choose the following…
* GG Bran High Fiber Crackers -4 crackers
* Black Beans- You can also use black beans to make tasty tacos.
* Fiber One Cereal 1 bowl
* Whole Grain Bread 2 slices
* Figs
* Brown Rice 1/2 cup
* Avocado
* Spinach
* Pear and Apples (with the peels)
* Mangos
* Oatmeal- 1 bowl
* Artichokes
* Raspberries
* Chia Seeds
* Whole Wheat Pasta- 1 cup cooked
* Quinoa- 1 cup cooked

* Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D.
* University of Mass. Research Dept.
* Lead Researcher–Yunsheng Ma, Ph.D.
* Vegan Times-Magazine
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