Fall can be a blessing for a lot of us: leaves changing to beautiful red and orange colors,*
the temperature dropping by a few degrees which stifles the humidity, and then
of course the expectations of the holidays, (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas).
* For the best leaf-peeping, head to Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts or Connecticut
during the last 2 weeks of October and 1st week of November.

And then for some, Fall can be a curse.
How so?
Shorter days, less sunlight, weight gain (thanks to all of the holiday eating) and
higher blood pressure.

Higher blood pressure?
Again, it’s because of the days spent indoors, the lack of exercise and all of that
snacking, and if you find your blood pressure creeping up, just do the simple steps
listed below.

Steps like…
a) Head Outdoors-
Just because it’s a bit colder, doesn’t mean you can’t get outdoors and enjoy
the beauty surrounding you. And according to researchers, just looking at all of that
beauty can help lower your blood pressure by 10 points.
Exposing yourself to natural light, fresh air and nature’s beauty tamps down the
production of artery-tightening stress hormones.
Also important: While you’re outside, don’t just gaze at the changing colors, walk for
20 to 30 minutes, moving a little is another way to lower that blood pressure.

b) Get Heated-
As in a heating pad. Place a heating pad on your stomach for an hour each evening
while listening to relaxing music or watching an uplifting drama, lowers blood pressure
by 8 points. Placing some heat on the stomach stimulates nerves that encourage
the heart to beat slowly and calmly, easing pressure on artery walls.

c) Breathe This Way-
Did you know that keeping your lungs healthy can knock a few points off of your blood
pressure? Doctors say using a handheld device that provides resistance as you
breathe in energizes nerves that keep arteries relaxed. Look for the Inhale Respiratory
Trainer Breathing Exercise Device, online at Amazon.com.
Or save your money, and do breathing exercises in the privacy of your own home.
Need help? Look for ways to build lungs on youtube.com.

d) Eat Some Halloween Goodness-
If your kid tricks or treats and brings home some dark chocolate, take a few pieces
and eat one or two pieces a day. Dark chocolate contains special compounds that
help keep arteries clear which lowers blood pressure.

e) Drink or Eat More-
Beets. You may already know about the benefits of beetroot powder juice or
whole beets to help lower blood pressure, but it bears repeating.
Beets are loaded with nitrate, a compound that’s quickly converted into
artery-relaxing nitric oxide in the digestive tract.
To get the benefits- just eat some lightly steamed beets or place a beet in the
juicer (along with some apple or pomegranate juice) blend until smooth
and down it.

f) Eat A Delicious Salad-
For those who may not want steamed beets or beet juice, there’s a salad that can
help you lower your blood pressure by 10 or more points.
The Salad: Spinach, Beet and Goat Cheese Salad!
1 medium beet, steam until softened or bake in the oven until softened.
1 tsp. of olive oil
2 cups of baby spinach, cleaned
1 Tbs. of goat cheese
1 Tbs. of pomegranate seeds
Your favorite salad dressing

To make, take the cooled down beet and cut into bite-sized pieces
and place it in a bowl, add the spinach, oil, cheese, pomegranate seeds
and stir well. Season with some herbs and spices, (salt, pepper, turmeric, dried
parsley or basil) and add your dressing. Enough for 1 serving.

* University of Colorado
* Jan Lee, Ph.D.
* Harvard University Research Dept.
* Frugal Vegan Magazine
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