All of that tasting, snacking and eating on and after Thanksgiving has caused
some serious GI issues (gastrointestinal) and now you’re bloated, constipated
and suffering from queasiness.

What are you going to do to get relief?
Well, you can run to your doctor or drugstore for some relief or you can continue
to read this post and get some natural solutions.
And the natural solutions we’re offering, are some of the foods you may have
eaten on Thanksgiving or the day after.
That’s right, sweet potatoes, nuts and turkey can bring relief to your GI issues
and the best part: they’re tastier, safer and work faster than doctor-prescribed
or drug store meds.

The Tasty and Natural GI Soothers!
a) Queasiness-
Are you feeling queasy after eating too fast or eating while traveling in the car?
Cut open a lemon and take a deep whiff or pour some of the juice into a glass
of water and drink it. The lemon compound called limonene quickly calms
the nausea center in your brain.

b) Heartburn-
Believe it or not, the researchers recommend some nuts. Eat 1/2 cup of
your favorite nuts or eat some mixed nuts 30 minutes before a big and/or
fattening meal to quell that heartburn. Nuts contain “good” fats and these
fats strengthen the stomach valve that stops acid from washing up into
the esophagus.
Not a fan of nuts?
You can also try a tsp. of yellow mustard or a Tbs. of apple cider vinegar
with some water.

c) Constipation-
It has become a very popular dessert this time of year, but you may
want to leave out the crust, sugar, eggs, milk and spices if you want to
end constipation and just eat the main star (ingredient), what is it?
Sweet potatoes. Nutrients in sweet potatoes that give it that vibrant
orange color (carotenoids) promote regularity by encouraging
gentle intestinal muscle contractions.
Another tip- If you find that the orange tuber isn’t working fast enough,
have a plain, baked sweet potato with a cup of coffee.

d) Indigestion-
Antacid medication makes pharmacies tons of money each year and if you’re
against any type of meds and want something natural head to your supermarket
or apple orchard. Apples were named the no. 1 food to relieve indigestion and
they work in less than 30 mins. Apples boast rich stores of pectin–a compound
that coats and soothes the digestive tract and reduces pain-triggering inflammation,
plus fuels the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria.
Another tip- As in the tip about sweet potatoes, the apple must be eaten on its own.
So, that means no rich desserts like apple pie or apple-tart cake.

e) Bloat-
Bloating happens all year round and not just on days in which rich and decadent
foods are served and if you’re one of the millions that get bloated and want something
natural, pick up some mint leaves or peppermint candy. And if you don’t get bloated
but are beset by burping and gassiness, mint and peppermint will also work to relieve
these two things.
The menthol in mint encourages digestive tract muscles to gently contract.
This ensures the fast and efficient emptying of stomach contents.
For fast relief: Chew a few mint leaves (fresh leaves) or use the leaves to
make tea or buy herbal tea (mint or peppermint).

f) Stomachs Cramps-
Have you ever gotten a hangover and were told to drink the last drink
you had to get rid of that hangover? Well, this tip is similar, but it doesn’t
contain alcohol, no- the natural relief Rx is turkey.
Yes, you may not want to see another piece of turkey, but if your stomach
feels like a blocked up highway in your town or state, then you’ll have to eat
a slice (or two) of turkey to stop the cramps.
Turkey contains the amino acid L-tryptophan, which quickly relaxes
the muscular walls surrounding your stomach, so they’re less likely
to cramp and spasm after a heavy and fattening meal.

That’s it- the 6 Delicious “GI” Solutions to Easing and Preventing Digestive
Woes During The Holidays!

* BMC-Public Health
* India Research Team
* Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tenn.
* Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Tex.
* First for Women Magazine-Nov. 27th 2023 Issue

Please make sure to pass this very valuable info on to family and
friends who may suffer from one or all of the problems mentioned above,
during this festive time of meeting, greeting and eating.

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Feel free to tap on the donate button (at the top of the page) and
leave a tip of $1, $2,or even $5.
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