This food gets a bad rap, it’s too fattening, it wreaks havoc on some who are allergic
to it and may cause a number of other health problems.

The Food:
Peanut Butter.

Well, like a lot of foods, it (peanut butter) can be a benefit or detriment to your health
and if your body (and system) is okay with a few tsps or a Tbs. or two each day,
then by all means, indulge.

Not only will you be getting some fat into your system (which all of us need),
but you’ll also be able to lower a stressful situation and improve your memory.

That’s right, new research says a small amount each day (for a few months)
can improve memory and alleviate stress by 65%. The researchers say peanuts
contain something called lignans, which are fiber-rich compounds that reduce
inflammation and feed healthy gut bacteria that make mood-enhancing
hormones like serotonin.

So, if you given up peanut butter like you gave up egg yolks, grass-fed butter,
chocolate and 1 glass of alcohol (each day) it’s time to reconsider and put it
back on the menu.

And lastly,
When buying peanut butter look for a top quality brand of peanut butter.
Or better yet, buy some peanuts and eat a few each day or go online to
YouTube and learn how to make your own natural and healthy peanut butter.
To celebrate this great news-have a peanut butter sandwich (without jelly)
on 2 slices of bread (regular bread or gluten-free).

* Journal of Functional Foods
* Scientists in Frontiers in Nutrition
* First For Women-Mar.11th 2024 Edition

Please pass this article on to all of your peanut and peanut
butter loving friends and family members.
This info has to be conveyed to those who’ve decided to ditch
peanut butter because of the calories or so-called unhealthy
and harmful effects.
Share it over at Facebook, Instagram (stories), Pinterest, Reddit,
Snapchat, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).
