Good-as-Meds Rx For High Cholesterol!

If you’re suffering from high cholesterol and you’re thinking about
doctor-prescribed statins, you may want to rethink that and try the
Asian treat.

The Asian treat?
A Japanese dish made from immature soybeans.
The pods are boiled or steamed and may be served with salt or other
condiments and today, Edamame is popular all over the world.

More good news:
Researchers have found that a protein found in soy (B-conglycinin) helped
cells absorb up to 70% of “bad” LDL cholesterol–results on par with cholesterol-
lowering statin medications.

So, if you follow a healthy diet, but still have high cholesterol numbers,
you may want to add some non-GMO foods made from soybeans
and see if it makes a difference.
Foods like Edamame, soy milk, soy nuts, sprouts and tofu.

* Journal Antioxidants
* Japanese Research Team

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