If you’re concerned about your own risk of getting breast cancer or someone
close to you contracting it, then you may want to start eating the foods
scientists say contain a type of fatty acid that really reduces your odds
of getting it, (breast cancer).

The foods are high fat and considered “snack foods,” but if you want to
lower your odds, then it doesn’t matter if they’re snack foods or foods
you would eat as a main meal.

The foods:
Sunflower seeds
Peanut Butter

Why these 4 foods?
Researchers say that these foods are the top sources of n-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids (PUFA’s), which play an essential role in cell function and ward off
cancer-causing mutations. The researchers say that women who eat the 4 foods
mentioned had the lowest risk of breast cancer.

So, if breast cancer is a concern (for you or a loved one) please advise them to
start adding these 4 foods to their daily menus.
And lastly, make sure to buy top quality nuts and peanut butter and be mindful
of calorie count.
Yes, the foods are “good fats” and can keep breast cancer at bay, but they
are fats, so make sure to eat small amounts.
So, go easy on the avocado toast and no snacking on Tbs. of peanut butter
or a big bowl of walnuts.

* Journal-Menopause
* Journal of the American Nutrition Association

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