The talk about keeping your organs in tiptop shape always seems to
be focused on the heart and brain, but what about the lungs?

According to new research, keeping your lungs in good shape can
keep viral invaders from setting up house (in your lungs) and they’ll
help you bounce back faster if you do get sick.
But hold on, there’s more, according to new research, protecting and caring
for your lungs can add a few more years to your life.
How many years? About six to 10 extra years.

So, if you’ve been working on your heart and brain, use the following tips
to show some love to your lungs and hopefully, extend your life.

The Tips:
* Drink a Smoothie-
And make sure to add some pink beetroot powder to it.
Pink beetroot powder contains nitrates, compounds that up the production
of nitric oxide (NO) by 350%. That’s important since NO safeguards lungs,
plus defend against viral invaders and keeps them from multiplying.

* Sing Your Heart Out-
For better lungs. Yes, running or walking each day can keep lungs in
great shape, but acting like your favorite singer can really improve lung
health. Researchers say the breathing and body movements produced
by singing enhance lung function by 275% in about 15 minutes, the
same as a 15 minute brisk walk.
Sing like Dolly or Aretha while you’re cooking, walking or showering.
Another tip: Take up an instrument like the clarinet, tuba, saxophone or
harmonica. Playing one of these instruments also improve lung function.

* Indoor Air-
You may have heard that indoor air (from your house or apartment) may
be as polluted as outdoor air. And if you spend a lot of time indoors and
are concerned about your lungs, try and keep the humidity between 40%
and 60%. Improving indoor air boosts activity of cilia, tiny hairlike structures
that usher viruses out of your lungs.
You can improve the humidity in your home or apartment by getting
a humidifier or simmering some water in an uncovered slow cooker,
(add some cinnamon and nutmeg for a nice scent). Let the water simmer
for an hour or two.

* Get Help From a Supplement-
You may know all about the benefits of vitamin C, but are you aware
of what it does for your lungs? It (vitamin C) revs immune cell production,
which lowers your risk of getting colds and even pneumonia.
The Recommended Dose:
Try getting a 1,000 mg time release supplement. This type of supplement
slowly releases the C, since your body only absorbs 250 mg. at a time.
Check with your doctor before taking any type of supplement.

* The Fall Fruit-
Is it pumpkin or pears? It’s neither, the fruit that best protects and builds up
the lungs are apples. Apples with the peel build up lung function so well,
you’ll have enhanced resistance to getting pneumonia, bronchitis, and
chronic coughs by 35%. Apples (especially the skins) contain flavonoids
that reduce damaging airway inflammation and strengthen the tissues that
line your lungs.

* Using Those Apples-
Although Fall is months away, you may be able to find some quality apples
right now and if you do find such bargains, stock up on all types: Granny Smith,
Delicious and Honey Crisps and then use them to make the following dessert.
The Dessert:
Lung-Enhancing Apple Crisp.
To make:
Preheat oven to 350*F. Grease a glass or regular baking pan with non-stick spray.
In a large bowl, combine 5 cups of apples, cut into 1″ cubes and leave the
peels on. Use a mixture of all three types of apples. Add 2 tsps. of cinnamon
and 1 cup of sugar. (not a fan of sugar) use 1/2 cup of dark honey or pure
maple syrup. Pour into the greased dish and even them out.
Make the topping.
In the same bowl, add 1 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of flour, 1/2 tsp. of salt
and 1/2 cup of melted butter. Mix well and spread evenly over the apples.
Bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Check it during the 30 minute mark and when
you’re ready to serve it, add some whipped cream or Ice cream on top.
That’s it for today, your guide to improving lung health.

* Canadian Research Team
* Journal of American Medicine (JAMA)
* Finnish Research Team
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