Are you a fan of fries? Not regular white potato fries, but sweet potato fries?
Well, if you are and have a scratchy throat, you have permission to indulge.

Enjoying 3/4 cup of sweet potatoes could soothe a scratchy throat in 2 minutes.
And eating some daily could cut your recovery time from viral infections in
half. Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, a pigment (orange color pigment)
that reduces throat inflammation, calms pain nerves and speeds healing of
infected tissues.
Another tip:
If you like your sweet potatoes in a mashed sweet potato dish or fries, just
make sure to add some olive or avocado oil or grass-fed butter to them, why?
Adding a sprinkle of olive oil or a dollop of butter to them triples the absorption
of beta-carotene. (good fats help you absorb more of the nutrients).

And one more helpful hint- If you received an air-fryer as a Christmas gift or
have one that’s a year old, you may want to use it to make the following
(scratchy throat) natural medicine.

The natural medicine:
Air-Fryer Chili Sweet Potato Fries!
Not only good for you (and your throat) they’re also low-calorie.
2/3 cup of non-fat plain Greek yogurt
2 tsp. of fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp. of ground cumin
1/2 tsp. of ground coriander
1 1/2 pounds of sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into
1/2 ” thick fries
1 tsp. of chili powder
Paprika and chopped fresh basil (optional)
To make:
In a bowl, combine yogurt, lime juice, cumin and coriander;
reserve. In a separate bowl, coat sweet potatoes with cooking spray
or olive oil; toss with chili powder, 1/4 tsp. of salt and 1/4 tsp. of pepper.
Place crisper plate in the basket of 5.5 quart air-fryer; coat with cooking spray.
Place the basket in the air-fryer; heat to air-fry at 350*F. Transfer potatoes
to the basket. Air-fry until tender, 15 to 20 mins. shaking basket halfway
through. Serve with the Greek yogurt sauce. And if desired, you can add
some chopped basil and paprika to the Greek sauce.
Enough for 4 servings.
Calories per serving- 130, Prot-4g. Carb-30g.

* First 4 Women Magazine- Jan. 29, 2024 Edition
* Columbia University Research Dept.
* British Journal of Natural Medicine

Please make sure to share this article and recipe with loved ones,
(friends and family). Especially to those who are fans of sweet potato
dishes. Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, (stories), Reddit,
Pinterest, Tik-Tok and X (Twitter).

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