Now that the Summer is almost here many of us will have
trouble sleeping.

Yes, there’s air conditioning and fans, but that can raise your electric
bills and if sleeping through the night during the summer months is
difficult, and you want something other than a doctor-prescribed
med or an over-the-counter med, you’re in luck.

Listed below are some simple and “natural” tips to help you sleep through
the night and wake up refreshed and excited to start the day.

a) Try a Natural Supplement-
You may have heard of Saffron. It’s a beautifully colored spice that’s used
to liven up certain dishes, and now, it’s being used to help you sleep.
A Saffron extract, when taken for about a month can help reduce insomnia
considerably. The extract increases the levels of the sleep hormone melatonin.
The supplement to take is called Affron, a saffron extract. Take 14 mg. of this
supplement, twice daily. A brand to try: California Gold Nutrition Saffron Extract
with Affron, find it online at
Important tip: make sure you talk to your own private health-care provider
before taking any type of supplement.

b) A Cup of Tea-
Chamomile tea has been recommended for quite some time for those who suffer
from insomnia, but new research says that a combination of lemon balm and
valerian may work even better. Valerian helps you calm down and lemon balm,
helps you get to sleep 50% faster. Not a fan of tea? For you, there’s supplements.
The supplements: Valerian root, 150 mg. and lemon balm, 100 mg. take this amount
each day. Look for a blend of valerian and lemon balm tea at health food stores
or online at

c) Listen To This-
Thanks to the internet, you can now find almost anything and if you need some
soothing sounds to help you get to sleep, go online to
and find something to your liking. This site offers sounds that resemble
whispering or tapping. Both sounds trigger an autonomous sensory meridian
response (ASMR), or a feeling of deep relaxation with pleasant undertones
that help you doze off.

d) Massage Here-
A number of spots on the hands and feet when massaged, can help
you fall asleep faster and stay asleep, but if you’re not in the
mood to massage your feet (and hands), just massage the
ears for a few mins. Massage both the upper and bottom parts
of each ear lobe.

e) Eat This Green-
Making wraps with Romaine lettuce leaves will help you fall asleep
43% faster and help you stay asleep. Compounds in the dark leafy
green called lactucin, provides a mild sedative effect.
Another tip: You can also place a few green lettuce leaves in a pot,
add some water and let the leaves simmer for 10 mins.
Turn the water off, let cool and have a cup (or two) an hour before bed.

f) A Recipe For Deeper Sleep-
You just learned a tip about how eating lettuce and drinking more lettuce water
can help you fall asleep faster, but if you want something more substantial,
here’s a recipe for chicken wraps made with romaine lettuce leaves.

The recipe for Chicken & Avocado Lettuce Wraps!
Cooked skinless chicken, legs, breasts or thighs.
About 1 pound, removed from the bone and cut into 1″
cubes. Enough for 4 servings.
1 cup of diced avocado
1 cup of diced tomatoes
1/4 cup of oil and vinegar dressing
1/2 tsp. of salt
1/4 tsp. of black pepper
8 Romaine Lettuce leaves
To make:
In a bowl, toss the cut up chicken, avocado, salt and pepper,
and tomato along with the dressing, until fully coated.
Spoon 2 Tbs. of mixture into the lettuce leaves and roll up.

* Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
* Mahmud Kara, M.D.
* The American Journal of Medicine
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