Winter is winding down and in less than 3 weeks we’ll be ushering in Spring, and if
you’re suffering from winter-weary health woes like low energy levels, lack of focus
and fat around the midsection, it’s most likely your thyroid.

That’s right, the thyroid gland acts as your body’s thermostat, which means the
added burden of keeping you warm increases the risk of a sluggish thyroid
by up to 50%.
To revive your thyroid, you can try the tasty mocktail, plant Rx or the popular herb
listed below.

Tip No. 1-
Drink The Green Juice-
Green juice? Aloe vera juice.
Drinking 2 oz. of food-grade aloe vera juice on an empty
stomach when you wake up boosts thyroid function by up to 45%.
Compounds in aloe vera convert thyroid hormone into its
active form.
Look for food-grade aloe vera at health food stores or go online to and learn how to extract the liquid from the real
aloe plant, which you can buy at any supermarket.

Tip No. 2-
Get Some Iodine-
Doctors recommend getting enough Iodine each day to boost your health
in a number of ways, but if you’re suffering from thyroid issues, it’s vitally
important to shore up your iodine stores and you’ll boost thyroid function
by as much as 75%. And if you’re wondering, do I get it (iodine) from food
or a supplement, you may want to get it from a fruit.
A fruit?
Yes, unsweetened cranberries (or the juice).
1/2 cup of fresh berries or 1 cup of the juice contains 400 mcg. of Iodine-
and that’s 80% more than 2 sheets of nori and 255% more than 1/2 cup of

Tip No. 3-
The Aromatic Herb-
If your go-to herbs are parsley and rosemary, you may want to
add black cumin to your meals, especially if you suffer from inflammation.
A compound in black cumin called thymoquinone, which dials
down thyroid-damaging inflammation and helps the gland heal and
repair. Black cumin lends a slightly smoky, peppery flavor to roasted
veggies, rice dishes, omelets or meat dishes.
Another herb that can help heal the thyroid is Ashwagandha.
It’s an herb that tames the stress that can sabotage thyroid function.
Important tip:
Make sure you talk to your own health-care provider before adding any
type of supplement to your daily regimen.
Recommended dose: 600 mg. of Ashwangandha each day.

Tip No. 4-
Toast With a Mocktail-
For anyone suffering from thyroid issues and avoids alcohol,
you’re in luck, here’s a recipe for a mocktail that can boost thyroid
function by 70%.
The Mocktail:
Winter Wonder Cran-Rosemary Mocktail!
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of rosemary leaves
3/4 cup of crushed Ice
1/2 cup of fresh cranberries*
2 rosemary sprigs
2/3 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice
Sparkling water
To make:
In a medium sized pot, simmer sugar and rosemary with 1/4 cup of water
for 5 mins. Let cool completely; strain.
Divide ice, cranberries and rosemary between 2 cocktail glasses.
In an Ice-filled cocktail shaker, mix the sugary water and cranberry juice.
Cover; shake 30 secs. Strain into glasses and top with sparkling water.
Enough for 2 servings.
* Fresh Cranberries- Look for them in the produce section of your supermarket,
they should still be available, in small plastic bags.

* Journal of Endocrinology
* Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
* Danish Research Team

Please make sure to pass this article (and the recipe) on to family
and friends who are suffering from one or all three of the health
woes associated with a sluggish thyroid.
Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, (stories), Reddit,
Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Twitter.