Hold on, we’re not out of the woods yet, in terms of colds, flu or CoVid-19 and
if you want to stay healthy this Spring, here are some simple tips to help you
do just that.

The Tips:
a) Turn On Seinfeld-
Or I Love Lucy, or The Golden Girls or comedy specials on youtube.com,
with Eddie Murphy or Rodney Dangerfield.
Enjoying comedies and laughing a few minutes each day boosts
human growth hormone levels by 80%.
The growth hormone increases antibodies that destroy viruses.

b) Get Outdoors-
If you’re a regular at this blog, then you’re well aware of the number of posts
touting the benefits of the Sun. Exposing your face, hands and arms to 20
to 25 minutes of sunlight spurs production of vitamin D. Getting some vitamin
D into your system means you’re 62% less likely to develop respiratory
tract infections if you keep the your blood levels of the vitamin topped up.
Vitamin D activates over 250 genes that help white blood cells destroy
viruses that sneak into your lungs.
Not able to go outdoors and expose your skin to the Sun?
Get your vitamin D from a supplement.
Look for the vitamin D that says calcefidiol, a form of vitamin D that
increases levels of the nutrient three times more effectively than other
forms. To find this, go to d.velop Vitamin D (developimmunity.com)
Talk to your doctor before taking any kind of supplement.

c) Move a Little More-
Like the Sun, just moving a little more can boost your ability to fend off
respiratory infections. So, walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day, spring clean
your home (clean closets, the garage or declutter certain rooms,
or better yet, get outside (under the Sun) and start a garden.

d) Take This Herb-
And the herb is thyme. Researchers say adding a little thyme to your
meals, smoothies or soups will make your immune system “bulletproof”
against colds, flu and CoVid-19. Thyme contains thymol, which boosts
virus-fighting immune cells while lowering the potency of invaders
by 80%. Add some thyme to olive oil and use it to drizzle over a green
salad or veggie stir-fry. This combo increases activity of infection-fighting
T cells by 50%.

e) Drink This Spring Refresher-
This delicious herbal drink fends off viral invaders.
The recipe for Sweet Cucumber-Thyme Refreshers!
4 Fresh thyme sprigs, + additional thyme for garnish
1/2 cup of top quality dark honey *
1 lemon, sliced
Lemon-flavored seltzer water
Sliced cucumber, (optional)
To make:
In a pot, heat first 3 ingredients with 3/4 cup of water over
medium-heat; cook until honey dissolves, 2 mins. Reduce heat
to low; simmer 5 mins. Cool; discard thyme and lemon.
Divide the syrup among 4 glasses; fill with seltzer. If desired,
garnish with cucumber and thyme. Enough for 4 servings.
* Dark Honey- The original recipe called for sugar, but seeing that
sugar is one of the worst foods for a strong immunity, we left it out
and added honey in its place.

* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* British Journal of Sports Medicine
* Loma Linda Univ. California
One last reminder- Don’t forget to visit our store, Click buy recipes at the top,
and look for our latest offering: Healthy At Every Age, For Women 20 to 80.
As the title suggests- it’s for women who are still young and for women who are
in their 70’s and 80’s and want some tips on how to stay healthy.