With the Fall season in full swing, many of us will need help to get through the cold days and
nights, the shorter days and the hustle and bustle of the holidays (Halloween through Valentine’s
If you need an energy boost during this time, don’t make the mistake of trying to overcome
it by downing tons of coffee, (the caffeine) or eating a few candy bars each day, (again the
caffeine) or even taking a few 10 min. naps throughout the day, no-the secret to overcoming
fall tiredness can be found in a sweet treat.

A sweet treat?
Yes, a pudding made with super seeds.

That’s right, the recipe was developed by Dr. Steven Gundry, the renowned doctor
who has taught thousands how to eat right to delay the aging process, lose weight
and boost energy levels and his special recipe for boosting energy levels is a pudding
made with “special seeds.”

“Special seeds?”
Yes seeds and they’re not chia seeds, the seeds Dr. Gundry recommends are basil seeds.

Basil Seeds?
They’re seeds that are rich in prebiotic fiber. This type of seed spurs the creation of
beneficial fats that generate energy in cells, boosting your get-up-and-go by 60%
for 2 to 3 hours. The seeds have twice as much prebiotic fiber as chia seeds and you
can add them to smoothies, bowls of fruit or oatmeal or even make your own
version of a healthy pudding.
And where does one find these incredible seeds?
Head to an Asian store or go online to Amazon.com and order a bag or two.

Now onto the recipe…
The recipe: Dr. Gundry’s Super-Seed Pudding!
1 cup of vanilla yogurt, (or any type you prefer)
1 cup of fat-free milk
2 1/2 Tbs. of Basil seeds
1/2 cup of granola
2 kiwi, peeled and sliced
1 Tbs. of pomegranate seeds
1/4 cup of pomegranate juice
mint leaves (for garnish)
To make:
In a large bowl, mix the yogurt, milk, pomegranate juice and basil seeds.
Cover; and refrigerate for an hour.
In a non-stick skillet over medium heat, toss in the granola,
stir often, until lightly toasted.
Take the yogurt out of the refrigerator and stir it, and then divide it
(the yogurt mixture) between glasses or bowl, and top with
the granola, kiwi slices, pomegranate seeds and a sprig or two of mint.
Think of it as a parfait. Enough for 4 servings.

That’s it, a tasty and sweet treat to help you get the cold and dark fall and
winter days and nights.

* Doctor Steven Gundry, author of The Energy Paradox
* Recipe by Dr. Steven Gundry