When one is diagnosed as a diabetic one of the questions that comes up
quite a bit, is “can I eat sweet fruits?”

Well according to new research, the answer is yes.
Often thought of as a no-no, the research says that in moderation,
it (sweet fruits) can be eaten.

The sweet fruits you can consume:
Avocados aren’t really a sweet food, but are considered one that’s high in
fat. The researchers say that the sugar in fruit is different than it is in a
bag of skittles or a decadent brownie, plus it (fruit) is loaded with fiber,
vitamins and minerals, all of which can benefit one’s health.
Pairing it (the fruit) with other nutrient-rich foods for more stable
blood sugar levels is also smart.

So, are you excited?
Are you ready to eat (and enjoy) that slice of watermelon or a peeled orange?
Before you do, it’s best you talk to certified diabetes expert or registered dietician
to learn more about incorporating fruit (sweet fruit) into your new eating plans.

And lastly,
to learn more about the above-mentioned fruits, head to the site EatingWell.com
and type the 6 Best Sweet Fruits for Diabetics in the search bar for more

* EatingWell.com (popular alternative health site)
* Article reviewed by Emily Lachtrupp, M.S. R.D.

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