If you’re concerned about the never-ending virus known as Co-Vid 19, here’s
a simple side dish that’ll help you boost your immune system.

The Dish:
Carrot-Sweet Potato Mash!

Sweet potatoes are staples in the African-American communities and
if you want some protection against all types of viruses, start eating this
tasty side dish today.

1 lb. of carrots
1 lb. of sweet potatoes, cut into chunks
1/2 cup of milk, warmed
2 Tbs. of butter
1/2 tsp. of pepper
1/2 tsp. of salt
Toasted walnuts, (optional)
To make:
In a pot, combine carrots and sweet potatoes and cover with water.
Over high heat, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until
veggies are tender.
Drain vegetables; return to pot, add the milk, butter and pepper; mash.
Sprinkle on the salt and top with the walnuts.
Enough for 6 servings.

Why are sweet potatoes so beneficial for your immune system?
Orange vegetables like sweet potatoes, pumpkin and carrots triple
your body’s ability to kill invading viruses. Orange veggies contain
beta-carotene, that revs your production of key antiviral
compounds. Plus, orange veggies contain vitamin A, a nutrient that revs
the production of infection-fighting T cells to cut the occurrence of sick days
by 35%.
Also beneficial: Greens. Add some collard or mustard greens to your sweet
potatoes for an even stronger immune system.

More tips to help boost your immune system.

a) Sit Back-
And relax. Unable to sit back and enjoy some “me-time?”
Big mistake. Researchers say spending time on a hobby, taking
a long bath, knitting or working on a scrapbook can make you
sick-resistant. Turns out, as stress levels drop, your production of virus-
killing antibodies rises. Enjoying a hobby or just relaxing for just 40 mins.
each day could plunge your risk of getting sick by 45%.
b) Sleep In The Dark-
If a street light or neon signs invade your bedroom at night, it may
be time for a sleep mask. Getting 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep
nightly, increases your production of virus-killing immune cells by 35%.
Even more good news: the boost to your immunity usually takes place
after 1 week of good, quality sleep.
c) Take The Sunshine Vitamin-
Another reason to get some Sun: you can cut your risk of getting sick
by 55%. Researchers say that if you live in a state with very little Sun in
the winter months, it’s best you stock up now. (July, August and September).
The Sun provides you with vitamin D, which can fight all types of viruses more
effectively than vaccines. And if you’re not able to get out- sit by a window
that’s exposed to the Sun for 20 to 30 mins. each day or ask your health-care
provider about taking a vitamin D-3 supplement. Recommended dose: 3,000 to
4,000 IUs daily.

* Ian Young- Ph.D.
* Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* Boston University School of Medicine
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