Are you one of the 6.5 million that suffers from PAD?
What is PAD, you ask?
It’s Peripheral artery disease and the symptoms: sore and tired legs, affecting
people over the age of 40.

Other symptoms:
Coldness in the lower legs
Leg or foot numbness
Painful leg cramps
Shiny skin on the legs
Slow toenail growth
Sores on feet or legs

And more “bad” news: if you suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol and
hypertension (High blood pressure), you have an increased risk of developing it.
But hold on, as with most health ailments, illnesses and diseases, you can do
something about it.
That something: Head to your grocery store and pick up some coffee and dark

That’s right, coffee and dark chocolate and the reasons for buying these 2 foods…
* Chocolate-
Top quality dark chocolate or cocoa contain antioxidants that improve blood
flow to the legs to ease the pain. Drink it in the form of hot cocoa or eat a
few pieces of dark chocolate each day.
* Coffee-
Have you given up caffeinated coffee in favor of decaf?
Well, you may want to switch back if leg health is a concern.
Drinking a cup (or two) each day increases blood flow by 30%.
Coffee helps the inner lining of blood vessels work better and reduces
inflammation. This allows blood to flow more freely, curbing PAD pain.
And now that you’re aware of the benefits of coffee and chocolate,
you can put them together and make a sweet drink and keep your
legs healthy for years to come.

You can add a little dark chocolate or a tsp. of dark cocoa to your coffee
and reap the benefits, or you can treat yourself and try the following recipe.
Chocolate-Hazelnut Irish Coffee!
In a large pitcher, combine 2 cups of chilled brewed hazelnut coffee, 1/2 cup of
chocolate milk and 1/4 cup of Irish cream liqueur. Fill 2 coffee mugs with Ice cubes;
dividing evenly, pour coffee mixture into mugs. Garnish each with a dollop of whipped
cream and sprinkling of chocolate shavings.

One last non-food tip:
Walk more or dance or fiddle around in your garden for 30 mins. each day.
Any type of exercise boosts blood flow by up to 50%, helping you to deal with
PAD or avoid it if you haven’t gotten it yet.

* Journal of Vascular Surgery
* Japanese Research Team
* American Journal of Medicine

Please pass this article (and recipe) on to friends and family who are
concerned about getting older and the health of their legs.
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