Although we tend to think of this food as Canadian, it actually is made in a
number of countries.
The Food:
Maple Syrup.

Whether you use it to sweeten Sunday pancakes or add it to a cup of tea or
coffee, this sweet treat offers a host of health benefits.

The Benefits:
a) Balance Blood Sugar-
A Tbs. or two a day can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. How?
It (syrup) slows down the breakdown of carbs and sugar absorption, slashing
the risk of energy-draining sugar swings that can lead you to developing diabetes.

b) A Slimmer and Trimmer Stomach-
Wait, adding syrup to your daily menus can reduce belly fat?
Yes. Using maple syrup in place of regular white sugar can do wonders for
your waistline. People who swapped out 2 Tbs. of white (or brown) sugar
in favor of maple syrup can reduce their belly fat by a couple of inches in
a matter of weeks.

c) Improved Digestion-
Healthy gut health has been in the news of late, and health providers are
always talking about the importance of prebiotics and probiotics, so get it
(prebiotics) from maple syrup.
Maple syrup contains a prebiotic fiber called inulin.
This strain is known to enhance nutrient absorption, improve digestion
and counteract unhealthy gut bugs.

So, are you convinced that a few tsps. of maple syrup each day can
boost health? Well, if you are, there are some things to remember.
Those things:
* Buy The Best-
Buy a top quality syrup and resist the $1.99 or $3.99 bottle of syrup,
the lower the cost, the more sugar and other harmful preservatives
are in it. Look for brands that say Real Maple Syrup.
* Just a Little-
Remember, it’s still a sweetener and although it’s good for you, you must
practice control. So, make sure you limit your servings to 1 or 2 Tbs. a day.
* Swap Out The White Sugar-
If you make baked goods or drink tea or coffee, use maple syrup instead of
brown or white sugar.
Glaze Those Vegetables-
Instead of using oil (olive or coconut) or tons of butter to roast your vegetables,
pour a little maple syrup over your cut up root vegetables, (potatoes, sweet potatoes,
butternut squash, or Brussels sprouts).

And now that you know about the benefits of maple syrup, here are
two recipes for hot beverages. Perfect for the cold and dark days of Winter.

The 2 Beverages:
Beverage No. 1-
Citrus-Spiced Comfort Tea
2 black teas
1 orange, sliced
1 Tbs. maple syrup
1 cinnamon stick
In a pot, steep all ingredients
in 2 cups of hot water for 2 mins.
Strain; pour into 2 mugs.
Calories per serving-30, Prot-0g Carbs-8g.

2nd Beverage-
Cinnamon Cocoa Craze-
2 cups of low-fat milk
1/2 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Tbs. of maple syrup
1 1/2 tsp. of ground cinnamon
To make:
In a pot, bring all ingredients to a boil, whisking until smooth.
After that, just pour into 2 cups.
Calories per serving 210, Prot-13g, Carbs-40g.

* University of Rhode Island, Research Scientists
* American Society of Nutrition
* Canadian Research Team

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