The fall and winter holidays will soon be here and if Halloween, Thanksgiving and
Christmas increases your stress levels, then you may need some natural and organic
methods to conquer it (stress).
Listed below are 6 foods that’ll help you sail through the holidays and come out cool,
calm, collected and stress-free.

Food No. 1-
* Beef!
If you plan on serving beef rib roast, hamburger (in lasagna) or rib-eyes this
holiday season, give yourself a pat on the back, why?
Eating a card deck size of beef will help you feel 35% more at ease within 3 days.
Beef has a unique mix of B vitamins that work to calm the anxiety centers of the
brain (the amygdala), making you less likely to become undone by all of the
hustle and bustle of the holidays.
Important tip:
In order for the beef to work, you may have to watch all of the other foods
that’s usually served with beef. Foods like…mashed potatoes (with loads of butter),
rich gravies, buttered rolls, overcooked veggies, etc.

Food No. 2-
* Peanuts!
For too long, peanuts have been given a bad rap, (allergies) but believe it or
not, they can serve a purpose and that is-they help you feel less edgy
and stressed. Peanuts are rich in healthy plant fats that increase your level
of the “can-do” brain chemical known as dopamine. And wait, there’s more,
eat a handful if you need an energy boost.

Food No. 3-
* Curry!
Give thanks to the people of India, for making this spice more popular
and accepted, as people all over the world are now using it and if the thought
of the holidays are causing more blue and sad moods, then add more curry to meals
and beverages. Curry is a mix of ginger, coriander, cumin and turmeric,
all antioxidant-rich spices that spur the release of the bliss hormone,
(norepinephrine). The recommended dose to feel more upbeat and motivated:
1 tsp. a day. Or something even better: Look for pre-made curry dishes in your
grocery’s frozen food section.

Food No. 4-
* Sweet Potatoes-
A true holiday favorite, used to make a number of tasty dishes and desserts-
and if you’re running low on mood-boosting serotonin, start eating more of them.
Sweet potatoes are packed with inulin, a type of fiber that the good bacteria in
your gut uses to produce the mood-boosting neurotransmitter aka-serotonin.
Try and eat 1 small sweet potato, 3 to 5 times a week.

Food No. 5-
* Edamame!
Popular in Asian cultures, these young soybeans can calm frazzled nerves
in less than 20 minutes. The beans are loaded with potassium, magnesium,
and isoflavones-nutrients that soothe the adrenal glands to tamp down
production of the stress hormone-(known as cortisol).
Not sure how to buy and prepare them? Head to and type
how to prepare, buy or eat Edamame in the search bar.

Food No. 6-
* Chocolate-
A true “superfood” of the winter holidays, and used to make everything from
decadent desserts to rich cups of hot chocolate, and if you need to feel
more relaxation and contentment, eat and drink more of it.
Chocolate contains 2 compounds that rev up your brain’s production
of the calming oxytocin, aka the “hug hormone.”
Your daily dose for more contentment: Eat 2 oz. of top-quality dark chocolate,
or drink 10 oz. of hot cocoa each day.
Top brands to try:
Santa Barbara Chocolate

* University of Pittsburgh, Research Dept.
* University of Bridgeport, Conn. Research Dept.
* British Research Team

Please be kind this holiday season and make sure to share this article
with family and friends. Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn,
Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram, Tik-Tok and Twitter.

Need help this holiday season? Help with dishing out gratitude
or easing the burdens of all of that Thanksgiving day cooking
and cleaning. No problem, for some relief, go to
kindle store and type-The Thanksgiving Day Rxs For Cleaning
& Cooking and The Thanksgiving Day Rxs For More Gratitude
in the search bar. Download a copy for yourself and one
for a family member or friend.