Eat Eggplant, Bell Peppers, Corn on the Cob, Green Beans, and Cherry

Summer is only a few months away and if you’re a fan of all
the produce that’s readily available, here’s some info you may not
about the green beans, eggplant, squash and peppers, you’ll
be enjoying.

The Inside Info About Summer Produce:
a) Bell Peppers-
End Fatigue.
If you enjoy stuffed peppers, Chinese-Pepper Steak,
or tomato sauce with plenty of peppers, please continue to
indulge. Doing so helps you boost energy levels by 35%.
Peppers get their color from carotenoids-antioxidants
that soak into muscle and brain cells to switch on genes that
heighten insulin sensitivity and improve the absorption
and metabolism of energizing glucose.

b) Eggplants-
Improve Focus.
Eggplant Parmigiana may be too time consuming to make
come Summer-time, but grilling it is an option.
And if you’re lacking focus due to the warm weather,
just eat more eggplant.
Half-a-cup a day, contains phytonutrients that strengthen
and energize brain neurons; improving memory and focus
in as little as 2 weeks.
Important tip: Buy smaller eggplants as they’re less likely to
taste bitter than larger ones.

c) Cherry Tomatoes-
Stop Insomnia.
We’ve written on these tasty beauties in the past, they
work like natural sunscreen, and in addition to lower rates
of skin cancer, they (cherry tomatoes) can also help you
slip into dreamland easily and effortlessly.
Cherry tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, a phytonutrient
that lowers cortisol (stress) levels, helping you drift off quickly.
A recipe to use cherry tomatoes:
Roasted Cherry Tomatoes with Pasta.
Roast 4 quartered tomatoes and 1 sliced onion for 10 minutes
and toss with 1 lb. of cooked pasta, 1 cup of diced mozzarella
and fresh basil.

d) Green Beans-
Lose The Winter Weight.
Green beans are quite popular in the U.S. but many people
aren’t sure what value they get from eating them.
Well, if you overindulged these past few months (Thanksgiving,
Christmas and Valentine’s day) and you need to get back on track,
then add more green beans to your daily meal plans.
Green beans boast nutrients that liver cells convert stored fats
into ATP-the body’s key source of cellular fuel.
Another plus, green beans will help you lose weight 35% faster.

GI Soother.
Another popular Summer favorite and if you suffer from indigestion,
stomach aches and embarrassing gas, eat more corn to alleviate
these stomach woes.
Corn is rich in B vitamins, which speed the motility and increases
the production of digestive enzymes by up to 20%.

f) Squash-
Youthful Skin-
Ladies, save your money on expensive therapies in the hopes of
remaining youthful, all you have to do is start eating more
green and yellow squash. Both are rich in nutrients called
lutein and zeaxanthin, which are skin-healing nutrients
that erase dryness, flaking and fine lines.
Important tip: make sure you eat your squash with a good fat
like organic butter, extra-virgin olive oil or tallow, doing so means
your skin will absorb more of the nutrients from the squash.
And one last benefit: In addition to youthful skin, eating more
squash will also help you avoid some of the eye conditions
(like macular degeneration and cataracts) as you get older.

So, there you have a list of the Summer produce and their
benefits, make sure to visit local farms, Farmer’s markets
and store sales (Aldi and Costco) and stock up.
a) University of California at Berkeley, Research Dept.
b) Yale University, Research Dept.
c) British Scientists