Save your vegetable & fruit scraps!

If you usually toss out the peels of onions, potatoes or oranges, you may want
to stop doing it.

Hidden in the outer layers of some fruits and vegetables and even
in the stems are a number of nutrients you may not be getting.
Not sure what nutrients or benefits?
No problem, just continue reading for more information.

1) Onion Peels-
People in other countries and older Americans may know about
saving, cleaning and then drinking the peels of onions.
One big benefit is an all-natural relief aid to ease those bothersome
seasonal allergies.
Onion skins have 70 times more allergy-calming benefits than
the inside of an onion. Onion skins contain quercetin, which is
a natural antihistamine that can reduce allergy symptoms like sneezing,
running noses and watery eyes. To make an allergy-relief tonic, save, clean
and boil (first) and then turn down the heat and let the skins simmer for 15 to
20 mins. Drink as a hot beverage, or allow to cool and drink a small amount
a few times during the day.
And if you have an older brother, nephew, husband or male friend, give him
some onion-skin tea as well, it’s great for preventing the prostate from enlarging.
And lastly, also save apple peels and eat or bake them, because they too, contain
ample amounts of quercetin.

2) Broccoli Stems-
You’re only interested in the florets and not the stems, but if you want to
keep your immune system in tip-top shape start eating or drinking
(juicing) more broccoli stems. The stems contain more vitamin C than
the florets which is great for building and keeping the immune system
working perfectly.
Another tip:
Head to YouTube, and type broccoli stem chips in the search bar.
Once you find a video, watch it and then head out to buy some fresh broccoli.
And if you thought chips were only made from potatoes, think again.

3) Potato Peels-
Potatoes are given a bad rap as a food that’s too starchy and loaded with
Well, that’s been debunked, researchers say it’s not the potatoes, but
the double burgers, (with buns) sweet beverages and Ice cream as dessert
that are the real culprits and besides, you’re not going to make a tea or
eat the skins, all that’s required is that you wear the potato skins.
Wear the skins?
Yes, but only if you’re bitten by some small outdoor creature.
Place a potato peel over a mosquito or ant bite and leave it there
for 10 mins. After 10 mins., let the skin dry without wiping away
any residue. Juice from the leftover peels contain anti-itch-relieving
alkaline and anti-inflammatory compounds that calms the irritation.
Another tip:
If you’re allergic to bees or wasps, you may want to pass on this tip,
but for those who do get stung and want the pain and discomfort to go
away quickly, place an Onion skin on the bite and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.

4) Beet Leaves-
Another beneficial and great part of the plants we’re not eating or using.
If your liver has been damaged due to bad habits these past few years,
start protecting and caring for it by stir-frying the leaves and stems
(with a little coconut or olive oil) or juicing with some kale, berries
and a green apple.
Beet greens and stems contain protective flavonoids that may shield the liver
from any type of damage.

5) Strawberries-
The tops (caps) of strawberries are another valuable asset that many of us
continue to throw out. The leaves and stems of strawberries can help relieve
digestion issues for a few cents each day. The stems and leaves contain
bioactive compounds that have been used for centuries to relieve digestion
issues, (gas, bloating and discomfort).
So, next time you buy fresh strawberries, place the whole strawberry in a bowl
add some vinegar (or hydrogen peroxide) and a little baking soda
and leave it ( in the bowl) for 10 to 15 mins. then rinse, cut off the tops
and save for green smoothies or cut up and add to hot cereals, baked goods
or toss into a large pitcher and add water and cucumber and lemon slices.
Place the pitcher in the refrigerator and wait a few hours (to start drinking)
or overnight.

And one last reminder:
We’ve written one or two articles on the benefits of other types
of fruit and vegetable peels, so go back and look for our past posts.
Looking back, you’ll learn how eating kiwi peels can help protect your
skin from the Sun’s harmful rays (yes, natural Sunscreen)and grated orange
peels can lower high cholesterol levels.
Some other great natural sunscreens-tomato juice or sauce (cooked tomatoes)
and watermelon.

* Frontiers in Plant Science
* Case Western Reserve University (Research Dept.)
* Journal-Nutrients
* Woman’s World Magazine- 7/22/24 Edition

Please pass this article onto family and friends who throw away perfectly
good skins, peels and tops of fruits and vegetables.
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