If your stress levels are increasing due to more lock downs, fears about employment,
rent increases, vaccines and other issues, head to your local supermarket or farmers’ market
and stock up on fruit.

What type of fruit?
All fruit, but especially watermelon.

Why watermelon?
Well, it’s the favorite fruit of one well-known duchess, (Princess Kate) but more seriously,
it can help you feel more relaxed and clear-headed for a number of hours.
Watermelon is packed with lycopene and beta-carotene, a nutrient duo that tamps down
your cortisol (stress hormone) production within minutes of eating it.

And for those who aren’t fans of watermelon or want something other than watermelon
to lower their stress levels, here are more tips…

a) Drink Up-
Ginger tea to be exact. Drinking a cup or two of ginger tea in the morning cuts your risk
of cortisol overload by 25%. The active ingredients in ginger prompt your brain to
release GABA, a hormone that keeps your adrenal glands calm so that hectic days
don’t trigger a flood of cortisol.
Important tip: make sure to drink your ginger tea with honey and/or milk.
Leave out the sugar and sugary treats (donuts, scones, blueberry muffins, etc).
Eating too much refined sugar can also increase stress levels.

c) Be Like Jen-
As in Jennifer Aniston, it’s rumored that actress Jennifer Aniston had a “green” salad
for every lunch break while appearing on the T.V. show “Friends” and now that the
show is long gone, Ms. Aniston continues the salad ritual.
And if you just want to control weight (like Ms. Aniston) or lower stress levels,
salad is the natural medicine you need.
If the center of your brain is overactive, it will prod your adrenals to release lots of
stress-causing cortisol. And to quiet your adrenals eat greens like spinach, kale,
arugula and romaine lettuce. And one last bit of good news: Women who adopted
a more green type of diet (and cut down on or eliminated processed foods) reported
feeling calmer and happier in less than 2 weeks.

d) Say a Prayer-
If you’re a believer or non-believer reciting a prayer (or two) in the morning cuts
your stress levels by a whopping 55%. Thoughts and prayers that focus on
helping others are calming and uplifting for the person offering them.
One prayer to try: The Lord’s Prayer.

e) Rub Here Please-
There’s no doubt about it, many men, women and even children enjoy having their
feet rubbed. Well, researchers say a 10 to 15 minute foot rub could cut your
stress levels by 40%. Firm foot massages stimulate key acupressure points
that help prevent busy days from triggering cortisol release.
Your Rx: Ask a loved one to massage your feet for a few minutes each day.
And if no one is available to do it for you, then massage your own feet.
Not flexible enough? Massage your hands. Your hands have the same relaxing
pressure points as your feet. Need instructions on how to massage?
Head to youtube.com and type how to massage feet or hands in the search bar.

f) Walk In The Forest-
If you’re near pine trees and stressed out, take a walk and inhale the scent of those
pine trees. Inhaling the woodsy scents can lower stress levels for 60 minutes or more.
Don’t have access to a forest of pine trees? Buy some pine essential oil (put a little oil
on a cottonball and inhale deeply when stress levels start to get out of control.
Or look for pine-scented candles.

g) A Recipe For Watermelon-
Keep your cool and calm during these very chaotic times with this
watermelon salad.

Watermelon Salad!
6 cups of mixed salad greens, do not leave the greens whole, tear them
4 cups of watermelon, cut into 1″ cubes
1/2 cup of thinly sliced onion, (red or yellow)
1/3 cup of feta cheese, crumbled
1 Tbs. of olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

To make: In a large bowl, mix all ingredients except the oil, salt and pepper
and just before serving sprinkle on the oil, salt and pepper.
Enough for 4 to 6 servings.

* Journal of Public Health
* University of Georgia, Research Dept.
* Journal of Alternative Medicine
* Silvia Caldeira, Ph.D.
One last tip: Make sure to visit our store. To get to the store, just click buy recipes at the
top of this blog.