Thanks to the wide array of fresh fruit and vegetables available this time of year,
there shouldn’t be any excuses as to not getting your fair share

But wait, what if slimming down is my objective, what fruits will help me?
Well, you can always go with low-sugar fruits like green apples, berries (black,
rasp and blue) and don’t forget tomatoes, (yes, technically a fruit because of the
seeds) and cucumbers.

Again, it’s considered a fruit because of the seeds and if you enjoy eating them
plain or in salads or added to a green smoothie, please continue.

According to researchers, cucumbers can “fast-track” weight loss.
How so, you ask?
Well, listed below, are three explanations when it comes to weight loss.

1) Digestion-
Digestion system feeling sluggish? Add some more cucumbers to your daily
menus to “get things moving.” Cucumbers are packed with pectin, a plant
fiber that keeps your digestion system working at optimum levels.
Plus, boosting the pectin in your diet increases the concentration of healthy
strains of gut bugs like bifidobacterium and lactobacillius, which are known to
ease constipation and assist in fat-burning.

2) Appetite Control-
The warmer weather usually means a decreased appetite for millions of people,
but if you’re finding that the weather has no effect on your appetite, then you may
want to eat (and drink) more cucumbers. Drinking and eating more cucumbers
can ward off hunger pangs for hours, making weight loss easier. Cucumbers are packed
with lignans, plant compounds that dampen appetite, helping you shed 10 to 15 pounds
each year.

3) Hydration-
You don’t need to drink gallons of water this time of year to get (and stay) hydrated,
the alternative: eat and drink fruits and veggies that are loaded with water.
Cucumbers are a top source of “gel-water,” which hydrates cells more efficiently
than plain water. And lastly, keeping yourself hydrated this time of year will also
help you lose more weight (if that’s a goal).

4) A Recipe For Cucumber Lovers-
Some cucumbers added to a green salad or a cucumber added to a green smoothie
can get tiresome, and if you want something different and unusual, try this
cool and refreshing Summer drink that’s also quite popular at a number
of Spas throughout the U.S.
The drink: Cucumber Pineapple Slush!
The cucumber will help with hydration and the pineapple will reduce bloat by 50%.
3 English (or regular) cucumbers, peeled and diced *
4 Kiwi, peeled and diced *
2 slices of fresh pineapple or juice the slices for 1 cup of liquid *
To make:
Place the cucumbers, kiwi and pineapple slices (or pineapple juice) into
a blender. Blend until it has a slush-like consistency. Spoon or pour into
2 glasses.
* If you want this drink to be more “slushy” then you may want to place the
cut-up cucumbers, kiwi and pineapple slices in the freezer for 30 to 45 mins.
Two more tips: If you use fresh pineapple slices, make sure to add 1 to 1 1/2 cups
of water to the blender.
Want to know which fruits besides tomatoes and cucumbers will hydrate you?
Go to and type water gel fruits and vegetables in the search bar. lo

* Penn State University-Research Dept.
* Chinese Research Team
* The Juicing Bible, Available on

Please pass this article and recipe onto loved ones and friends who complain
about being dehydrated during the summer months.
Let them know all about the hydrating and slimming powers of the plentiful
and low-cost cucumbers.
Share this info over at Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram,
Tik-Tok, Reddit and Twitter.
