Eat a Raw Kale Salad.

If longevity is something you’re hoping for you’re probably already
aware how important diet is.
You know those little caps on the ends of your shoelaces?
Well, every gene in your body is topped with a similar
protective cap–called telomeres–and keeping those caps in tiptop
shape can help you add up to 10 extra years to your life.

And for some even better news: You can start on your path towards
longevity by eating more greens.
Greens like kale, broccoli, Swiss chard and spinach are so effective at
lengthening telomeres, it can add an additional 6 years to your life.
These veggies are rich in plant compounds called flavonoids that neutralize
any toxins in your cells that might try to chip away at the health of your telomeres.
And one more bit of good news: Eat beets. In addition to flavonoids, they’re
packed with betacyanins and betaxanthins, hard-to-find pigments that help
lower the risk of a number of cancers.
Eat 1 cup of greens each day and beets 2 to 3 times each week.

When preparing this week’s grocery list, buy the following ingredients
for this kale and beet salad. A salad that not only tastes good, but will help
you live a little longer.
The Salad:
Bread Salad with Kale, Beets and Blue Cheese!
1 medium shallot, minced
2 Tbs. of sherry vinegar
4 slices of bacon, chopped
4 Tbs. of extra-virgin olive oil, divided
5 ounces of rustic bread, (like Ciabatta) cut into 1″-pieces
about 4 cups
1 small bunch of Kale, stems removed and thinly sliced
Kosher salt and black pepper
small package of cooked baby beets, each beet cut into
6 or 8 wedges*
1 Tbs. of honey
4 oz. of blue cheese, coarsely crumbled about 1 cup
* Kale- some prefer their kale raw and others lightly steamed.
If you want to eat it raw, just massage it with some salt until it
softens and darkens before cutting it, for those who want it a little
softer, stem a few leaves for a minute or two before cutting it.
* Beets- If you’re unable to find cooked baby beets, just buy regular
beets and cook them until soft and cut them into wedges.
To make:
In a small bowl, stir together the shallots and vinegar. Set aside.
In a large skillet over medium heat, cook the bacon until browned
and crisp and then chop. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate,
and throw out the fat.
In the same skillet, heat two Tbs. of the oil over medium-high heat until
shimmering. Add the bread and cook, tossing frequently and lowering the
heat slightly if the skillet starts to smoke. Cook until lightly browned.
Transfer to another plate and let cool until barely warmed.
In a large bowl, add the kale, bread and the beets.
To the shallot mixture, whisk in the remaining 2 Tbs. of olive oil, 1/2 tsp. of
salt, 1/4 tsp. of black pepper and the honey. Add to the kale mixture and toss.
Add the cheese and bacon, then toss gently. Taste and season with salt and

More tips for a longer life:
In addition to getting more greens and beets into your system, here are
4 more tips to increase your telomeres.
* Pair a multivitamin with vitamin D (about 2,000 IU).
Talk to your healthcare provider to see which supplements are best.
* Reduce Stress Levels-
Especially the stress hormone known as cortisol.
Some ways to lower it-watch funny movies, work in your garden,
do crossword or jigsaw puzzles, read a thriller or romance novel,
or take up yoga and meditation.
* Move It-
As in get more exercise. Walk for 20 minutes a few times a week.
Practice yoga or Tai-chi. Dance. Thoroughly clean your house for
30 minutes to 40 minutes on the weekend or go window shopping.
* Eat Breakfast-
Eat one cup of oatmeal, Shredded wheat or any other 100% whole-grain
cereal daily can spur your telomeres to grow longer.

* Dave Woynarowski, M.D. author of The Immortality Edge
* American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
* Michael B. Fossel, M.D. author of The Telomerase Revolution
* Recipe by Christopher Kimball, Associated Press
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