Oh no, recent reports say that far too many Americans are suffering from heart issues,
and one way they’re suffering is too little oxygen circulating the way it’s supposed to and
if there’s too little oxygen flowing that could very well mean clogged arteries.

Yes, clogged arteries, and if you think your arteries are suffering and you want to do
something naturally to combat it, you may want to try the top 10 spices and top 7 foods
to help you succeed.

The Top 10 spices:
Turmeric *
Cayenne Pepper
* Eat turmeric with black pepper and you’ll absorb more
of the nutrients in it.

and the top 5 foods:
Oranges *
Green Vegetables
Fatty Fish (salmon, trout, and sardines)
Dark Chocolate
Dark Fruit- Blue and Blackberries and Grapes (Low-Sugar) types
* About 30 years ago, a doctor used to recommend to his patients to eat
an orange (or drink unsweetened O.J.) after a fat-laden and heavy meal
to avoid heart issues, but today- there’s far more sugar in today’s orangers,
so you may want to try eating (or drinking) a pomelo.

To really benefit from the spices and foods, you should try and include as
many in your daily meals as possible. You can season your season your salad or
meat dishes with garlic, thyme, rosemary, parsley, turmeric, and cayenne pepper.
Or use cinnamon, ground cloves, and ginger in your morning bowl of oatmeal, millet
or even add it to a cup of tea.
As for the foods, have a bowl of fruit for breakfast or an after meal snack, and have
a meal of fatty fish, green veggies and garlic and a few slices of avocado and a
piece of dark chocolate for dessert.

Those are the foods and spices that can help clear out your arteries, but you’ll also
to do some other things to really clear them out and those things are…
* Exercise-
A few minutes of jumping jacks and pushups in the morning, or a nice, leisurely
walk in the evening or taking a dance class once or twice a week also helps.
* Quit-
You may have already guessed it’s smoking and if you’re still smoking, you want
to become really proactive and do everything possible this stop this destructive habit.
* Eat Less-
Or cut out entirely processed, foods that fried in vats of fat, sugary foods, foods
made with white flour , simply put, eat foods that contain only 1 to 3 ingredients
on the label and steam, bake, roast or broil it.
* Get Involved-
Believe it or not, people who have good friends and family around, people
who do charitable work-like volunteering at a soup kitchen or spending time at
the animal shelter are less likely to suffer from heart disease or have other health
* Go To Church-
Researchers aren’t sure if it’s the prayers, your belief in a higher power or
just being around like-minded people that help you stay out of the emergency rooms,
but whatever it is, just partake in some kind of service.

And lastly, make sure to talk with doctor or health-care provider and inform him
or her about any new dietary changes, and the reason for this: some spices may
interfere with some medications you may be taking.

That’s it for today, and remember, Good Luck and Good Eating!

a) Web M.D.
b) Journal of Alternative Medicine
c) Vegetarian TImes, The Magazine