If you’re one who loves eating fruits and vegetables then you may want to read this
entire post.
Thanks to research, (about 5 years old) the answers to your questions about
buying fresh produce, organic produce or produce from your local grocery store
will finally be answered.

The researchers say that fresh produce not only improves digestion, boosts energy
levels, turns back the clock on skin and hair, reduces inflammation and the biggest
and best benefit: Effortless weight loss and for those who are already thin, easy
weight maintenance.

That’s right, researchers say that in addition to tasting better, freshly purchased
produce is richer in enzymes, nutrients vitamins and antioxidants and these
are the key to effortless weight loss.
They also say that fresh produce doesn’t have to travel and then sit in a truck
or warehouse and then your grocery store. (which is about 2 weeks).
And something even more shocking- the researchers say they’ll gladly
choose regular produce that’s been picked and then sold in a day or two
over organic.

So, if you’re struggling to lose that last 10 pounds or 50 pounds,
here are some more weight loss benefits you can get from fresh produce.

a) Switch On Your Genes-
Your skinny genes. Produce like fresh apples and berries contain flavonoids,
and these compounds activate metabolism-regulating genes called sirtuins.
When these genes are turned on, they tell cells to burn fat for fuel and prevent
the storage of new fat cells. Plus, flavonoids also work to convert white fat
tissue (the flabby kind that causes the belly to bulge) into calorie-burning
brown fat-an effect that can double up the speed of a resting metabolism.

b) Shut Down Hunger-
Do you find it hard to resist those fatty foods and/or stop eating once
you started? The simple solution may be eating more fresh produce.
Local and fresh food tastes better, so you’ll be satisfied sooner and won’t
go looking for something to snack on (like crackers or chips) later on.
Plus, filling up on flavorful fruits sparks more activity in the satiety center
of the brain and this helps dieters cut calories intake by up to 20% without
the struggle of measuring certain foods and tracking calories.

c) Optimize Liver Function-
If there’s a produce stand or Farmers’ market close to you, go ahead
and shop there and avoid the organic produce in the grocery store,
why? Smaller family owned farms use a combination of organic
planting strategies, composting methods and beneficial insects
to reduce their dependence on pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
And since they (the farmers) do these things, it means reduced levels
of liver-draining toxins in the produce, an 80% reduction.
Plus, reducing exposure to the toxins allows the liver to heal, increasing
the rate at which it can convert fat into fuel.

d) Less Inflammation-
Reducing inflammation has been in the news for about 10 years
now and if this is a concern, start buying farm-fresh produce.
This type of produce is loaded with antioxidants that work
overtime to neutralize the body-wide free cellular inflammation
that causes the excess weight.

e) Live Longer-
Looking for the “fountain of youth?” Well, you may want to avoid
cosmetic surgery, hours spent running or lifting weights, creams and potions
and just eat more local farm-fresh produce. Eating between 5 and 7 servings
of fresh produce a day helps you reduce your risk of death by 40%.

That’s it, the 5 best benefits you can get from farm-fresh produce if you’re
struggling with extra weight.
And if you don’t have your own garden or live close to produce stands
or farmers’ markets, go online to LocalHarvest.org. It’s a site where you
can search for market dates and times, details on community-supported
agriculture (CSA) programs and read other shoppers’ reviews.
And one more tip: Look for food cooperatives in your area that’ll
deliver to your home.

* University College, London
* Fred Pescatore, M.D.
* Columbia University, Research Dept.
* LocalHarvest.org –Website
* ShapeFit.com –popular weight-loss website
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