There are only 6 days left of this year and if you find that your energy and focus
are waning, you’re not alone. The shopping, cooking, cleaning, entertaining, cold weather,
eating more and neglecting our exercise programs can really take a toll,
and if you want some of that Spring and Summer energy, all you have to do is
eat the following foods.
The foods are easy to get, taste great and are usually associated with the fall and winter
seasons, which also makes them appealing, so look below for the list and then head to your
local grocery store to get back some of that energy and focus.

The Six “Superfoods”
a) Apples-
They’re plentiful and cheaper in the fall and winter and just in time for all of the
hot cider and pie recipes that abound, but if you need a boost in focus, stamina
and can-do-spirit, have 1 or 2 each day.
Apples contain malic acid, a compound that helps muscle cells convert food
into adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, the energy enzyme that boosts the above
mentioned trio of energy benefits.

b) Sweet Potatoes-
Another food that’s cooked and eaten this time of year and if brain fogginess
and forgetfulness happen to you more now that it’s holiday time, add more of the
orange beauties to your menus. Sweet potatoes are rich in carotenoids, nutrients
that correct insulin-resistance and heighten blood-sugar control, improving
the flow of energizing glucose to your brain and body cells.

c) Chestnuts-
Although immortalized in the famous Christmas carol, “The Christmas Song”
by Nat King Cole, many people avoid them in favor of walnuts and cashews,
but if you need laser-like focus this time of year, you’d be wise to eat them.
This overlooked nut is loaded with good fats and B vitamins–nutrients that increase
the brain’s production of the focus-sharpening hormone GABA.
Another benefit:
You can cut your risk of blue and dark moods and sluggishness by as much as 65%.
Not sure how to prepare them?
Buy a pound (or two) of fresh chestnuts, bring them home, turn the oven to
400*F, cut an X on the round side of each nut first so steam can escape and
roast for 30 mins.
One last benefit:
If weight loss is on your goal as a resolution for the new year-2023, you’d
be wise to add a few chestnuts to your daily eating regimen.
It’s the nut with the lowest fat count and that low fat count really
speeds up your metabolism, so put away the cashews and pecans,
and eat a few chestnuts.

d) Cranberries-
The time when fresh cranberries are available and cheap is running out,
so make sure to stock up (freeze extra bags) and enjoy, and doing so
will help you increase your energy levels and help boost moods.
The colorful Thanksgiving side dish is packed with anthocyanins, a nerve
energizing compound that’ll help you feel 35% more upbeat and energized
in record time.
Important tip:
Make your own version of cranberry sauce (with less sugar) or homemade
cranberry juice.
Also helpful: Blueberries also contain the same energizing compound, so
eat more of them as well. Juicing becomes very popular on the first of the year,
so why not juice some blueberries and cranberries together?

e) Turkey-
Are your nerves more rattled this time of year?
Or are you feeling run down?
Well, wake up your adrenal glands with another Thanksgiving staple:
Turkey. It (turkey) is rich in amino acids and selenium–a nutrient mix that
nourishes the adrenal glands so they can produce energizing hormones
when you need a boost of energy and to feel more calm and relaxed.

f) Beef-
Do you enjoy a good standing rib roast, porterhouse or filet mignon
this time of year? Well, continue to indulge if you need more of that energy
you so enjoy during the summer months. Good quality beef is loaded with
amino acids that your muscles use to make an energizing, stamina-boosting
compound called carnosine, Eat 2 to 3 servings of beef each week and your
strength, endurance and stamina will increase by 45%.

* BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care
* University of Cincinnati, Research Dept.
* European Journal of Nutrition
* First For Women Magazine, Dec. 2022 Issue

Please pass this article on to family and friends who may suffer
from low energy, lack of focus and blue moods this time of year.
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Have a Happy Holiday and a Safe and Healthy New Year, 2023!