Get healthier from the inside out!

Think you have to do a strict detox to flush out toxins, excess fluids, and
stubborn body fat?
No, you don’t.

You can easily and effortlessly cleanse your body–erase chronic tiredness and
other health problems, by doing the following…

a) Eat and Drink-
They’re packed with natural compounds (resveratrol) that increase your
ability to excrete excess fluids (bloat) and water soluble toxins.
Eat a cup of grapes or drink some unsweetened grape juice 3 to 5 days a week.

b) A Filling Breakfast-
Or dinner of oatmeal and apples.(make sure to eat the peels)
Both foods are loaded with soluble fiber, a type of fiber that’s
so effective at whisking man-made chemicals from the
body, plus reduce your risk of toxin-triggered problems by 35%.
Another tip: If you grow tire of the oatmeal and apples combo, eat some other
foods that also contain ample amounts of fiber, foods like…lentils, beans,
flaxseeds, blueberries, nuts, carrots, cucumbers and celery.

c) A is For-
A strange looking vegetable that contains a top source of silymarin,
a compound that inactivates toxins lodged in fat cells.
Eat three a week to see benefits.
Fun fact: A long distance bike rider started eating more artichokes
and within 1 month, he noticed incredible improvements in his
stamina, distances and recovery. The artichokes helped rid his body of
toxins that were most likely curtailing his progress.
Buy them fresh, frozen or in the can.

d) Clean Your Produce-
Yes, organic produce does provide you with benefits that contribute
to your over-all health, but they can be expensive.
To avoid ingesting chemicals and pesticides, just fill a large bowl
with warm water, some baking soda 3 Tbs. (or vinegar 1/4 cup)
put the produce in, let sit for 10 to 15 mins. and then rinse the produce off.
Doing this removes 90% of pesticides and herbicides and cooking
destroys the remaining toxins.

e) Some Tea Please-
Cut up some fresh ginger, place in a mug, and then add a Tbs. (or two)
of lemon juice and some hot water, stir and sip slowly.
Taking this dynamic duo before breakfast can flush out inflammation-
triggering toxins, resulting in fewer muscles aches and pain and helping
you lose a pound or two a week.
The combination of hot water and lemon’s natural fruit acids promotes
peristalsis, intestinal muscle contractions that speed the elimination of toxins.
And the ginger-it speeds the release of fluids and wastes through the kidneys.

f) Reduce The-
This should be a “no-brainer” but it has to be repeated, eating a diet
that contains lots of fructose, sugar, salt, chemicals and pesticides
only makes it harder to remove the toxins and get healthier from the
inside out. An occasional meal of pancakes and syrup or fried chicken
with mashed potatoes, gravy and biscuits is okay, but keep it to a
minimum, (once a week or once a month).

g) Ask Your Doctor-
About taking the supplement Alpha lipoic acid (ALA).
It’s a naturally occurring, sulfur-rich compound that lowers blood
levels of toxins and heavy metals, erasing brain fog and chronic
tiredness. ALA also strengthens immunity and repairs and replaces
badly damaged liver cells, helping your liver function at its peak.
Talk to your doctor about taking this supplement if the first 5 remedies
aren’t working.

* Greek Researchers
* Elson Haas, M. D. Author of The Detox Diet
* Burton Berkson, M.D.
* Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D.