It’s only a few days into 2022 and you’re already giving up on your resolutions,
but wait, here are some great tricks to help that resolution of weight loss,
smoking or saving money last for the rest of the year and beyond.

The Tips:

a) Smoking-
Eat and drink this. According to researchers making your cigarettes taste
worse may be a way to get you stop for good and the foods and beverage
that’ll help you achieve that are salads, (Caesar salad) coleslaw and fruit salad.
Black pepper on your Caesar salad, eggs, stir fries and other dishes also worsens
the taste. And lastly, drink milk, if you haven’t had it in awhile, but want to make
your cigarettes taste worse, drink some milk.
Cigarettes Pt. 2-
Go online. You may have heard the phrase “there is power in numbers” and that
certainly applies to weight loss or smoking. Join the online group-
It (the group) is just as effective as attending a support group in person.
(And with the unending variants of Co-Vid-19, it may be the only way to attend).
Interacting over the internet with other quitters increases your resolve and lessens
your stress levels, making it easier for you to quit.

b) New Job Opportunity-
According to the news there’s an employee shortage and if this describes you and
you want to work, submit your resume on a Monday. Hiring managers are fresher
(after the weekend) and are more enthusiastic about taking on a new hire.
New Job Pt. 2-
Ask for an interview as early as possible. Early birds are remembered more easily
and, as a result, thought of in a more positive light.

c) Take The Weight Off-
Another year and it’s the same old resolution, ” lose 10, 15 or more pounds.”
If this is your resolution and you want to make it stick, join a “diet pool.”
Like a lottery pool, this pool requires that you give money to the person
who takes off the most weight or loses the most inches in a week or month.
So, gather co-workers, cousins, neighbors and friends and ask them to put
$5, $10 or $20 into a jar or canister. And those who reach the agreed-upon
weight loss goal, (10 pounds in 30 days) takes or shares the pot.
Weight Loss Pt. 2-
If you’re trying to eat right and have chosen low-cal and low-fat foods but aren’t
crazy about the taste, try sipping coffee with your meals. The caffeine in coffee
boosts your mood and lights up your brain’s reward center as you eat, making
any meal taste better.

d) Make New Friends-
Want to branch out and make new friends, remember the cigarette tip and join
a group or a club. Be it a yoga, knitting or spin class (Peleton). Spending time
in close proximity, sharing the same experience, is the basis of most relationships.
New Friends Pt. 2-
Don’t be shy. If you think being demur and laid back will help you make friends, you’re
wrong. Strangers are drawn to confident folks who initiate conversations and talk
(not brag) about themselves.

e) Save More-
Another big resolution: Save more money. If you’re trying to reach a savings goal
and are always falling short, grab a pen and draw an empty bar graph or pie chart
on a piece of paper that represents your goal. Then use it to track your progress:
Every time you save cash toward your goal, color in a little more. Looking at a picture
of how much you’ve saved helps you save significantly more than looking at the same
dollar amount on a bank statement. Seeing a visual reminder of your progress makes
you feel closer to reaching it, which motivates you to try harder to succeed.
Save More Pt. 2-
People who have just one saving goal to sock away more money. Juggling
multiple money goals can become confusing and stressful, slowing your progress
on all of them and making it as specific and clear as possible (such as “I’m saving
for the down payment on a house”) heightens your commitment to doing whatever
it takes.

f) More Tips To Help You Succeed-
Make your resolutions stick by…
* Avoiding this. Daydreaming.
Why? Believe it or not, daydreaming may hinder your goals by tricking your brain
into thinking you’ve already achieved the goal. Do this instead: Focus on the steps
necessary to make your dreams come true will push you to do them faster.
* Be a Little Jealous-
Or Envious. Think of someone who has succeeded at the goal you want to achieve,
(smoking or weight loss) and try and emulate them and not hate on them.
Doing this makes it easier for you to try harder and not give up.
* Forgive Yourself-
Easier said than done, but if you eat cake at a birthday party or spend a large sum of
money on the weekend (and not save any) don’t beat yourself up. Remind yourself that
mistakes happen. Being compassionate and realistic toward yourself heightens your
motivation, making you more likely to succeed.
Another great tip: Forgive yourself and practice compassion while staring at yourself
in the mirror, this will help you get back on track quickly.

* The Mayo Clinic
* The Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research
* Rajesh Bagchi, Ph.D.
* University of California, Berkeley
* Weight Watcher’s International

More tips:
If you haven’t read our post on the “good-luck foods” that usher in abundance
and good health for the new year, please read it. Title: The Soul Food Rxs For More
Good Luck In the New Year, (2022)

If you’re struggling with winter weight gain and want some simple and sensible tips
to take it off, look for our E-book, The Thin Girl’s Guide To Preventing Winter Weight Gain,
available at, in the kindle store.

And lastly, please share this blog and these tips with friends, neighbors, co-workers,
and even enemies on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram.
Thank- You!

Happy New Year and May You Be Successful in Sticking To Your Resolutions!