Sorry ladies, this just in from a leading team of medical professionals,
what is it?
Women are at a higher risk of having a stroke.

The doctors think fluctuating hormones, inflammation-producing
belly fat and the toxins and pollutants you’re exposed to on a daily basis.

But hold on, ladies, there are some simple things you can do
to lower your odds of ever having a stroke.

Things like…

a) Take a Bath-
If you enjoy a hot bath, you’ll really enjoy it now that you know it’ll help
lower your odds of having a stroke by 60%.
The temperature spike encourages your immune system to release
artery-healing compounds.
Another benefit: Hot baths can lower your risk of high blood
pressure, another stroke trigger by 45%.

b) Watch These Signs-
As the increase of stroke risk goes up for women, make sure
you don’t experience any of these symptoms:
Hiccups combined with chest-pain, all-over numbness,
and a sudden headache. And if you do, get on the phone
immediately, with your health-care provider.

c) Eat This Spice-
It’s Turmeric.
This spice is getting a lot of publicity these days and for good reason,
one of which being it’s ability to reduce the body’s production of plaque
inside brain blood vessels.
Add turmeric to stews, soups, meat and egg dishes, or to a mug of tea.
(black or green)

c) Olive Oil-
Another win for the oil that’s popular in Italy, Greece and Denmark.
2 to 3 Tbs. a day can lower stroke risk by 65%.
It contains oleic acid- a key compound that stops blood
cells from sticking together to form dangerous clots.
Important: make sure you choose a top quality brand of
extra-virgin olive oil.

d) Work Up a Sweat-
It doesn’t have to be marathon running, but doing some type of exercise
each day, is another great way to lower your odds of having a stroke.
Any type of movement, (gardening, sweeping the driveway or
walking a dog) even for 15 to 20 minutes cuts stroke risk by 40%.
Movement prevents artery-damaging high blood pressure, which
is a stroke trigger.

e) Plain Water-
One doctor said drink a glass of water at night right before bed and
another glass 5 to 10 minutes after waking up and you’ll really lower
your odds of ever having a stroke.
This doctor says that strokes occur most often in the morning,
when we’re most likely to be dehydrated. And having a little water
at night and some in the morning thins the blood, lowering
stroke risk by 45%

f) More Sunlight Please-
Conventional wisdom says avoid too much Sun, but
it (the Sun) has many benefits. And one of
those benefits: its ability to lower stroke risk.
Exposing your skin to the Sun prods the body to produce
vitamin D, a nutrient that stalls plaque buildup in brain arteries.
Plus, the Sun reduces blood stickiness so its less likely to clot.
Try and get between 15 to 20 minutes of Sun exposure each day,
(without sunscreen). And for those who can’t get out or aren’t
fans of sunning, ask your health-care provider if it’s okay to take
Vitamin D.

g) This Week’s Recipe-
You’ve read about the benefits of turmeric, well ginger is another
spice that also helps lower your odds of ever having a stroke.
Ginger, like turmeric contains compounds that reduce inflammation
inside the blood vessels. Plus, it thins the blood like aspirin.
So, if you’re a fan of ginger, but aren’t sure how to eat or drink it,
here’s a recipe to get you started.

The recipe:
Spicy Lemon Ginger Tea!
6 tea bags (black or green)
2 Tbs. fresh peeled ginger, (grated)
3 strips of lemon zest (make sure to clean the peel
3 Tbs. honey
3 sprigs of fresh mint (optional)
Lemon and lime slices
To make:
In a pot, add 6 cups of water and boil over high heat.
Add the tea bags, ginger, lemon zest, honey and mint.
Remove from the heat. Let it steep for 5 minutes.
Fill a large pitcher with ice. Strain tea into pitcher.
Pour the tea into a tall glass and garnish with
a slice of lemon and lime.
Refrigerate the remaining tea and drink a glass each day.

* Journal, Alternative Health
* Journal of Biochemistry
* Northwestern University, Research Dept.