Is losing weight your resolution for the new year?
Well, how are you going to do it, (lose weight)?
Will you follow a specific diet (carnivore, keto or vegan) or are you
going to add more exercise to your daily regimen to take that weight off?

Well, whatever you do, you’ll still need some help in getting those pounds off,
and that help can be eating a green apple before your lunch or dinner or
eating a broth-based soup before each meal or you can do the simple and tasty
tip one doctor says will help you lose those stubborn pounds and it’ll also boost
your metabolism.

The Simple Tip:
Eat nuts.
Oh no, that’s not a misprint, a Tbs. (or two) of walnuts, unsalted peanuts,
or almonds before a big meal, along with a glass of water can help you
shed weight easily and effortlessly.

Why nuts, you ask?
Researchers say that nuts are high in protein, which significantly boosts metabolism,
plus, nuts are rich in good fats and fiber, which fill you up and help you eat fewer calories
throughout the day.

And there’s more good news:
Nuts help lower blood pressure and improve blood-sugar levels.

So, if you’re looking for a simple tip that doesn’t involve strict dieting or
hours of exercise, head to a big name store like Aldi, B.J.’s Costco
or Trader’s Joe and stock up on nuts.
Also important:
To avoid over indulging on nuts, buy some small ziploc bags
and place a small amount of nuts in 10 or 20 ziploc bags
and then put those bags away (and out-of-sight).
And each day, take a bag out and eat a few nuts and have a glass of
water, 30 minutes before breakfast or dinner or lunch and dinner.

That’s it- The Nut Rx For a lighter and leaner you for the new year. (2023).

* Journal-Nutrition
* British Journal of Alternative Nutrition

Please pass this article on to family and friends who want to
shed 10 or 50 pounds this upcoming year.
Share it over at Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Tik-Tok, Instagram (stories)
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