It’s rumored that our appetites aren’t as out of control as they are during
the Fall and Winter seasons. Some say that increased sunlight, longer days,
and the heat may cause decreased appetites in the Spring and Summer,
but if you’re still struggling to control your appetite, you may want to
try the super simple tips listed below.

a) Eat an Apple-
An hour or two before eating a large meal, grab an apple.
A green apple to be exact. An apple, (especially the peel)
contain nutrients and fiber that help you rein in your ravenous appetite,
which means you’ll eat less at lunch or dinner.

b) Green Smoothies-
Smoothies, salads, bowls of fruit or cut up veggies, whichever you prefer,
just eat or drink up before attending a buffet, party or outdoor barbecue.
Scientists say the nutrients, healthy carbs and fiber in fruits and veggies
are great appetite killers.

c) Water-
You may already know this, but drinking a glass (or two) of water
30 to 60 mins. before eating a big meal can help rein that appetite.
Water like apples or a smoothie swells in your stomach, which means
you’ll eat a lot less come lunch or dinnertime.

d) Gum-
You’d think all of that chewing would cause you to eat or crave more,
but the opposite is true.
Chew some sugar-free gum for 20 mins. before a big meal and you’ll perk
up your brain’s appetite control center. This helps you enjoy every bite of a
delicious meal while effortlessly reining in your hunger so you don’t overeat
later in the day.

e) Breathe In-
And then out. Believe it or not if your out-of-control hunger is due to anxiety
or boredom then all you may need to do is sit down and breathe in and out
(deeply) for 10 or more minutes. In addition to lowering anxiety levels,
deep breathing can also redirect your thoughts, especially the thoughts
that lead you to the refrigerator a few times each day.
Not sure how to do breathing exercises?
Grab your phone or laptop and go to and type breathing
exercises in the search bar. Or type breathing exercises to control appetite
and start doing the exercises.

That’s it- 5 super simple tips to control your appetite in the Summer
or any time of the year.

* University of Rhode Island, Research Dept.
* University of Alabama, Research Dept.
* The Journal of Physiology
Please pass this article on to family and friends who may be struggling with
their appetites. Share it over at Facebook, Tik-Tok, Instagram, Snapchat,
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