If your burgers (ham and turkey) are usually dull and dry after grilling,
you may want to use the following tips listed below for incredibly juicy
and awe-inspiring burgers.

Living Your Best Burger Life Ever!

1) Hamburgers-
To avoid the dried hockey pucks of the past, do the trick that comedian
and late night host Jay Leno recommends.
The trick: Mold a portion of seasoned ground beef around a small ice cube
to form each patty. As the burgers cook, the Ice will slowly melt and baste
the meat from the inside, resulting in super moist and tender burgers every time.

2) Turkey Burgers-
Leaner than hamburger, turkey burgers also tend to be drier.
Use the vegetable trick to liven up your turkey burger.
The vegetable trick: Add 1/2 of a finely grated onion to 1 or 2 pounds of
ground turkey before molding them into patties. The moisture-rich
veggie will release its juices as it cooks, ensuring your turkey burgers
come out extra tender.

3) Grated Vegetables-
If you’re not a fan of onion, (even though they’re finely grated) you can
also moisten up your turkey or hamburgers with finely grated green squash,
carrots, or eggplants. Like onion, all 3 vegetables will release their juices to
make your burgers extra juicy.

4) One More Onion Trick-
Although this trick is for meatloaf, it may also work on 5, 6 or more burgers.
The trick: If your meat tends to cook before the onion softens, leaving
crunchy bits in the finished dish, do the following…
Juice an onion half with a citrus reamer, then add a tbs. or two of the liquid
to your meat mixture. The juice will add the flavor you crave without the
raw and annoying crunch of the onion.

Celebrate Labor day and the final grilling holiday with these simple tips for
the best-tasting burgers ever.

Good Luck!

* Jay Leno- Car Enthusiast, Entertainer and Burger Lover
* Giada DeLarentiis, Chef and Food Network Star
* Eating Well Magazine
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