Are you a fan of seeds? You know, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds.
Well, what about flaxseeds?

These seeds receive little to no attention, but can boost your health in
a number of ways.
What type of ways? Read on for more info…

a) Stronger Bladder-
Eating 2 to 3 tsps. of flaxseeds each day can ward off embarrassing bladder woes.
Flaxseeds are rich in lignans, compounds that nourish and strengthen muscles that
control the bladder-an effect that’s been shown to reduce the risk of leaks (incontinence)
by 35%.

b) Thicker Hair-
Are you experiencing hair loss? Enjoying a small amount each day prevents the
breakdown of testosterone, which stops hair loss in its tracks for most women.
Another benefit: The omega-3 fatty acids in the seeds spur the growth of new,
healthy hair, leaving you with longer and thicker hair.

c) End Hot Flashes-
Eat a small handful or drink some flaxseeds (in a smoothie) and you can steady
hormonal swings, easing menopausal symptoms. So, enjoy a small amount each
day and reduce the risk of menopause bothers like hot flashes, fatigue and weight
gain by 55%.

There you have it, 3 benefits one can get from the rarely-mentioned and ignored
flaxseeds and to help you on your journey towards better health, here’s a recipe
for a green smoothie that contains flaxseeds.
The Spinach-Banana & Flaxseed Smoothie!
3 cups of Spinach- In a bag or fresh
1 banana- place in the freezer for 1 hour
1 Tbs. of flaxseeds
1 Tbs. of honey
To make:
In a blender, combine all of the ingredients, add 1 cup of distilled or spring
water. Blend until smooth. Pour into 2 cups.
Calories per serving- 105, Prot-2g. Carbs-24g.
Important tip: Add some flaxseed to a bowl of fruit, overnight Oat bowl,
a fruity smoothie, scrambled eggs or a veggie stir-fry.

* The Women’s Institute of Health
* Mayo Clinic, Research Dept.
*, popular blog
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