Super-Easy tips to live long like the Norwegians.

When it comes to longevity, it always seems like the Japanese always come out on top,
but things are starting to change.
Change, how?
The people of Scandinavian countries, (Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Sweden)
are also showing up at the top of these lists for longevity and healthy lifestyles.
And if you’re thinking what types of foods will I have to eat or how much exercise
will I have to do, relax, according to new research, getting healthier like the people
of Norway only requires you to do simple tasks like wade in a pool or sit outdoors
under the Sun.

Still not convinced?
No problem, continue reading for more secrets from the people of Norway!

1) Walk a Little-
Faster. The people of Norway do a lot of walking, and if you want to get heart healthy
like them, just pick up the pace. Yes, a slow, leisurely walk is okay most of the time,
but if you want to keep your heart in tip-top shape, walk a little faster for say-20 to 25
minutes. Speeding up (even for only a few minutes at a time) reduces blood pressure,
inflammation and levels of bad fats. Doing this will get your heart in great shape in
a matter of months.
Important tip:
If you’re new to walking, make sure you ease your way into faster walking.
For instance- walk at a regular pace for a few yards and then pick up the
pace for a few yards, do this for a week or two and then do more fast walking
as you get into better shape.

2) Take a Picture-
You may have heard that being outdoors and surrounded by greenery and trees
is great for both your physical and mental health, that’s true-but now
even taking pictures of nature scenes can also do wonders for your health.
Norwegians have beautiful scenery (animals and plants) to admire and it
may explain their calm demeanors and uplifted spirits and if you want some
of that calmness and relaxed spirits get out your phones and start taking photos.
Taking 10 minutes to record or take photos of greenery, helps you focus on the
World around you. And this makes you feel more connected to nature, which
spurs happiness.
One more tip: Looking at flowers, fruit and vegetable gardens and trees will
also help you become more creative.

3) A Memory Boost-
Memory loss is a big concern as we age and if you want to keep your
mental faculties intact, do like the Norwegians and sit in a pool.
People in Norway can’t wait for the winter to end so that they can
enjoy a dip in a pool, lake or a fjord and it may explain the
low levels of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Bob around (note- not vigorously
swim) in a lake, pool, pond or ocean. Being submerged chest-deep in water
increases blood flow to the brain helping memory centers work harder.
Not able to get to a pool, lake or hot tub?
10 minutes of gentle stretching each day also offers the same benefits.

4) Get Some Sun-
Oh no, another tip recommending some Sun and for good reason, it (the Sun)
will help you get to sleep and stay asleep. After long winters with days as short
as six hours, the people of Norway can’t wait for Spring to come, so they can get
outside and enjoy all the outdoors have to offer and one of those is basking in
the Sunlight. Heading outdoors for 60 more minutes of sunlight helps you fall asleep
30 minutes faster. Sun exposure re-syncs your body clock so you get drowsier
earlier in the evening. And for those living in cloudy areas of the U.S. (residents of
Portland Org. and Seattle Was.) you still get the benefits just by being outdoors
for an extra hour or two each day.

5) Pick Up Some Tools-
Garden tools to be exact. Norwegians love to garden and if you too adopt this
practice, you’ll reap the benefits as well. What type of benefits?
Never having to hear your pre-diabetic or you have diabetes from your health-care
provider. Researchers say that puttering around for 20 mins. each day removing
weeds or tending to some potted plants reduces your risk of developing diabetes
by a whopping 51%. Moving dirt, pulling weeds, cutting grass or carrying bags of
fertilizer keeps your weight down and builds muscle, which balances blood sugar
to ward off the dreadful disease known as diabetes.
Another tip:
In some Scandinavian countries, they enjoy a dessert of top quality yogurt
and berries (blue or cloudberries) and this too, is said to help keep diabetes at bay.

And lastly, if you enjoyed these tips and want more secrets on how the people
of Scandinavian countries have managed to increase their lifespans,
head to and type The Scandinavian Secrets to Health
and Longevity in the search bar. Download a copy today. It’ll cost you the
same as two packs of gum or two candy bars.

* University of Washington, Research Dept.
* European Heart Journal
* National Heart & Lung Institute
* Frontiers in Psychiatry

Please make sure you share this very valuable information with loved ones,
friends and neighbors, so they too, can get into the best health of their lives.
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