It’s almost that time of year again, what time you ask? Spring and Summer.
Warmer temperatures in April right through September,
means people will be making (and eating) more salads, sandwiches, burgers
and chicken (on the grill) and if you’re a condiment lover, then you’ll want to read
this post.

If you use condiments, continue to do so as they (condiments) not only makes
food more delicious, they can also help stop memory loss, calm leg cramps
and much more.

So. if your favorite condiment is ketchup, salsa or mustard, then read on and learn
how to improve your health.

1) Ketchup-
This may be the favorite condiment in the U.S. and if it’s yours, congrats.
Eating some ketchup each day will help lower cholesterol levels. It (ketchup)
lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol. The lycopene in ketchup acts like a natural
statin, which helps lower the bad cholesterol.
Important tip:
Make sure you’re buying a top quality brand of ketchup. Buy a brand
that isn’t loaded with sugar (and corn syrup). Or go to,
and type homemade sugar-free ketchup recipe in the search bar
and make your own.

2) Mustard-
This condiment is right up there with mayonnaise and ketchup, in terms of
popularity and if your metabolism is slow, then you may want to increase
your use of this golden and yellow treat. Adding mustard seed oil to a high-fat
diet slows the accumulation of stomach-fat, and boosts metabolism for up
to three hours after eating it.

3) Salsa-
We guess it’s considered a condiment, and if you enjoy it on a regular
basis, then your helping to keep your heart in tip-top shape.
Salsa, especially if it’s has some jalapenos, cayenne and black pepper
in it, it (salsa) cuts your risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke by 40%.
Give credit to the capsaicin in the peppers, as this compound protects
artery walls against damage. Doctors recommend adding these special
spices to your meals a few times a week to get the full heart-protecting

4) Vinaigrette-
Do you love a salad with some vinaigrette on top? Pat yourself on the
back, you’re doing something great for your blood-sugar levels.
Eating a vinaigrette made with apple cider or balsamic vinegar at
the start of a carb-heavy meal cuts your post-meal blood sugar surge.
Vinegar slows the breakdown of simple carbs while speeding the body’s
ability to shuttle glucose out of your bloodstream.

5) Pickle Juice-
Again, we’re not sure if it’s a condiment, but if they (researchers) say it
is, then we’ll go along with it and if leg cramps are making it impossible
to get a good night’s sleep, then have a sip out of a pickle jar.
Runners and other athletes have been sipping a little pickle juice
for quite some time and if you need something inexpensive and safe,
then you should follow their lead and do the same.
Drinking a few Tbs. relieves severe leg cramps in less than 90 seconds.
Savory pickle juice’s acetic acid reduces neural activity in the brain that
triggers muscle cramping.
Important tip:
If you have high blood pressure, then you may want to avoid this tip
as pickle juice is high in sodium. Ask your health-care provider or go
online and look for some other natural remedies to stop those leg cramps.

6) Wasabi-
Used on raw fish (sushi) and sandwiches and if your memory isn’t quite
as sharp as it was a few years ago, add some wasabi to your daily menus.
Wasabi (horseradish) is packed with an antioxidant that boosts short-and
long-term memory.

7) One More Tip-
You now know how some condiments can benefit your health, but it’s also
important to remember to use these condiments on foods that also boost your
health. For example: Using ketchup on a triple-decker cheeseburger and
french fries made in canola or vegetable oil will only lead to health problems
down the road, so an occasional burger and fries, or fried foot-long hot dog
is okay, just don’t make it an everyday occurrence.

* University of Arizona-Research Dept.
* Ann Green-Author of the article
* Woman’s World Magazine-4/8/24 Issue
* Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Please pass this article on to family and friends who love the
warmer temperatures and the foods (burgers and salads) and condiments
that are popular during this time of the year.
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